
If only there was a term for dumb ex-Disney princesses trying desperately to look cool.....

She’s a fake.

Herpes goes away for a while at least. Herpes: 1. Coachella: 0

Does she just get a pass for pretending to be gay?

I’m confused. When did “Tiny Baby Ariana Grande” who licked donuts and hated America go from being the shallowest of snowflakes to someone Splinter takes seriously?

Wow, that was your go to right away? Try google next time.

Only if it’s been licked first.

Being at Coachella at all is like having 10,000 lemons thrown at your face.

No. Not body shaming on Grande. Body shaming FROM Grande.

the girl who did it is bragging all over social media guys. @joaddy10 on twitter, @jordanaddington_ on instagram. she’s very pleased with herself and there’s video evidence of her holding the lemons. nothing to do with beyonce. 

I was thinking donut, myself.

Most unexpected twists in GOT:

Arya is going full Lone Wolf and Cub next week, Baby Cart at the River Styx style(Wheelchair at the Godswood)!

His name is Greyworm not Tyrone. JFC

I gotta say, your takes on this week’s scenes are pretty bad: don’t care at all about Greyworm, the kidnapped, mutilated child soldier who learns his humanity, becomes a leader of his people and fights for a cause he chooses for the first time ever, and Missandei, the slave girl who is freed and chooses to serve her

One thing I never expected from Game of Thrones was Arya sideboob.

Loved the scene where they knighted her. As soon as they did, I looked at my husband and said, “she’s gonna die.”

And Pod is the one person, outside of Jamie, in the room that Brienne actually trusts. Its not that she’s looking to anyone else, but to the one person in the room she truly trusts and has a relationship (plutonic) with.

When Brienne looked to Pod I read that more as her checking his feelings (and doubting herself) regarding the fact that he was a squire for someone who was not a knight, since it happens BEFORE Jamie offers to Knight her.

I thought Davos serving soup was sweet, and the child with the burn on her face reminding him of Shireen may have been saccharine, but it worked for me.