
In other words, Apples PR people doing their job.

She may have grown up among the wealthy and privileged, but make no mistake: the family are Nouveau Riche, untitled, with no immediate landowning forebears. It may seem insignificant to the general, non-English populace, but at these castes, it matters rather a bit.

I’m still skeptical of this whole Kate and Meghan issue. I feel like its just the media making a big to-do about nothing. I think they are all laughing in their castle at all this horse-shit the media comes up with.

If by 11 billion you mean 3.4 billion, yes.

Reddit had a bunch of the same takes. All boiled down to some common threads though:

Well it did at least catch me a bit off guard a few times in sometimes humorous ways, when you hit a lousy ending, and got to go back, and chose the same option, different choices and results would sometimes appear, like the “tell him you are watching him on Netflix” options which ended up in a couple of funny scenes,

Dope. Thanks for sharing.

Nothing about this face is normal given the 4-5 plastic surgeries she’s had. I loved her when she first came out; her messaging, her confidence, her ability to inspire me to feel good about myself despite my imperfections.

Then the surgeries started and now I think she’s no better than your average insecure instagram

Brainless little shits could use a fucking history lesson.

I hate generalizing about people of any particular national origin but Russians to me seem obsessed with ostentatious displays of wealth, some degree of unspoken criminality, and racism/homophobia/anti-semitism. I honestly am somewhat surprised that they have women in positions of political power, though, because if I

I’m old enough to remember these. At the time (late 60s when I was a little kid) they seemed perfectly normal. Natural trees were old-fashioned and messy; aluminum and plastic were the future. I can still remember putting ours together with my dad. The branches were all color-coded so you knew where they fit into the

Especially since there was literally zero reason Colin Farrell couldn’t just keep playing the role.

Imagine a powerful man as a ship, like the Titanic. That ship is a huge enterprise. When it strikes an iceberg, there are a lot of people on board desperate to patch up holes — not because they believe in or even care about the ship, but because their own fates depend on the enterprise.

I haven’t paid to see a Johnny Depp movie since 2003's Pirates of the Carribean. How is this bloated bag of drugs wrapped in fifty smelly scarves even still a thing?

My S7 Edge has had updates every year and counting.

Yeah sure, Apple cares about YOU! LMAO!!! That's why they make you pay an extra $80 for fast charging and don't even include a $9 headphone dongle in the box with a $1000 phone. They really CARE about their customers! That's the stupidest thing I've read in a long time!

there are so many things wrong in your comment. no offence but such kind of reply could come only from hardcore Apple fanboy. Android isn’t perfect but it’s also not how you have described it.

Man is it really that hard to hear some negative things about iphones? And no the iphone won’t always be better, that’s why I went back to android. 

Can’t tell if troll or serious. Your paragraphs are screaming “APPLE FAN” all over it.

*ARGH* Don’t attack my cult!  You are the world!  We are the chosen ones! lol