
What the fuck....why does an educator in Texas need to pledge support to Israel?

So to be a good American you have to pledge yourself not only to America but to Israel?  I’m all for Israels right to exist but this is bullshit.  As an American I have the right to protest any person, business, country and government I choose.

Supporting Israel is supporting terrorism. Their targets are civilians, ergo...

The party of Freeze Peach strikes again!

I work with a company that does a lot of purchasing for schools and governments in Texas, this certification is everywhere. It basically prevents you from doing any sort of public business unless you sign a document saying you support Israel. It’s fucking ridiculous. Right above the no foreign terrorist organization

Weird. FDA warnings were always effective at getting teenagers not to do unhealthy stuff in the past...

This doesn’t bother me? When models act like they eat and exercise like normal people, it just makes normal people feel like shit for not looking like that. I feel a lot better about my body knowing that at least I get to enjoy food while she has to settle for raw vegetables and that pear.

That Will and Kate family photo is absolute - and I mean absolute - Peak Whiteness. 

100% hard agree. It was a moving wonderful film and I really do not understand how it's been so harshly criticised. As a bi person how Mary reacts is how many people react when you tell them you're bi. 

Okay, I did see this movie, after reading all the criticism about it and you know what? It’s a damn good movie, very enjoyable, and Rami Malek does an amazing job. I don’t think they make it look like his sexuality is why he died, but they don’t focus a lot on his death in general. They focus on his life, which

I don’t know why I find her request for a ribbon and ball for her kitty so touching. This is great.

I have seen it twice and enjoyed it (even though the movie clearly has a lot of problems). But one I don’t agree with is that is “it seem like Mercury’s HIV diagnosis was one of the reasons for Queen getting back together for Live Aid“.  Even in the context of the movie’s odd timeline he found out about his HIV AFTER t

Is carpet really desirable in the UK? I watched some British design show on Netflix when I was sick and the “expert” kept telling home sellers to cover their tile and hardwood floors with beige carpet to make it cosy.  In the US we would rip that beige carpet off the floor of the 2million flat in a nanosecond.  I

Same with the notch. Sharp and Essential had the notch before Apple but people assume it was an Apple idea/innovation.

...after so many phone makers followed Apple’s lead

You know, that’s not really a crazy price for what and where it is. There’s a 3 level townhouse near me in Toronto that’s avail for 2.2 million, and that’s Canadian!

Sorry, but I love these robot replies. As I’m expected to weigh in on things, and can’t just leave everyone on read, yet the agreement that they demand is so banal, I’m letting the computer do it for me. I don’t have time to keep typing: Sure thing. I’m busy secretly watching youtube videos and anxiously tabbing back

Probably comes from people from the UK complaining about how misogynist, racist, and dishonest Americans and their media are.

I think that sometimes Americans don’t fully grasp how misogynist, racist, snobbish, dishonest and downright malicious some of our newspapers are.

It’s a cultural shift, it happens every so often. Until pretty recent, any woman talking about wanting this kind of relationship was called a slut and shamed for it. However, more and more have opened (haha pun) up about it and it’s becoming more socially acceptable. My guess is that a lot of women have wanted this in