
“Because even the most basic ass racism gets labelled Florida racism.”

it’s a tired joke. the majority of the time the “florida man” isnt even fucking from florida.

upset? no. im tired of it. not one of these imbeciles get that florida is where the trash they come from go to die.

weird, i was just about to say “assholes from up north move to florida and give it such a bad name.”

Also, asking for the manager is the ultimate Becky move.  

Don’t quite understand why she needed a manager. All she needs is a claim form with the damage and or take a pic of the bag. Delta is pretty good at resolving these claims. Sorry but having traveled all over the world on all the major carriers, this is a non issue. Sorry Mike but this is a bullshit article.

If anyone pulled a camera phone on my while I was doing my job, I would rip it from their hands and shove it straight up his or her ass.

I’m in the process of looking for a new phone now, and color is speaking to me more now. One of my choices it the Huawei P20 lite, and the Klein Blue looks amazing.

also calling one of the jenners a model. shes just a social media gimmick designers hire to get their show into the tabloids.

Got the “graphite” oneplus 6 at launch, then the fuckers released the red one a few weeks later. Would totally have got the red one if I had known.

My jaw dropped reading Dan Harmon’s apology (probably the best apology I’ve read) when he said “I wasn’t seeing women as people”. Like, it’s obvious from the actions but actually hearing a guy say “I wasn’t seeing them as people”. How. I know they are socialized this way but they know us, are raised by us, go to

I think it is the “I miss you so much” part that has a disturbing feel to it.

How about Asia Argento going after Rose McGowan (over Twitter) for “damages” to her reputation? As if she doesn’t have bigger problems she needs to handle?

Yep. No more boyfriends staying over at my house. Ever. The number of nice, employed, well-educated, polite men I’ve met and become involved with who weren’t seriously fucked up, one way or another, and looking to take it out on women somehow is um...three. In 35 years of relationships and marriage. Seriously, three me

I had one of these as a kid, I don’t remember much about it, but seeing it on this site brings back a lot of memories.

I remember having a secret sender. I loved the thing, especially the universal remote built into the thing.  One time, my teacher couldn’t find the remote for the TV in the corner of the classroom (I think we were watching some Learning Spanish cartoons or something), so I just did it from my desk and everyone thought

I’ll take my black S8, with pure black homescreen background and theme in my black otterbox defender case, thank you very much. 

In retrospect, Jordan Catalano was the least deserving of Angela’s affection. 

I, for one, love these shirts in the same way I love Confederate flag and MAGA merch. It tells you right away that the person is an asshole and should be avoided at all costs, as demonstrated by Jared Leto above. 

but can you finally put an icon anywhere on the home screen without it autojustifying up and to the left?  no, because iOS is dumb