
Rapist Outs Self At Public Gathering For Free Press

Cardi B needs to understand that cheating men enjoy the drama. It’s a power play. Their egos need multiple women attacking each other over them. Direct your anger at the source not the accomplice.

Everyone I know loves this show. I gave it a go last week and just couldn’t get into the first episode. I really want to, though. Maybe I’ll try again when life isn’t so out of sorts. 

Now wait a second. Selena said, “Having thought it all through, you put it to one side and just work with the person.”

I want to know why Jude Law thought it would be smart to take the role of woody allen’s self insert pedophile character.

Griffin forgot:

Louis CK walked into a standing ovation before he even opened his mouth. The message from the audience being we missed you, we are glad you rose above those crazy harpies who tried to bring you down. We protect power at all costs, while the vulnerable are left to wallow. 

I once hired a babysitter and literally walked around a grocery store in a daze for 90 minutes, didn’t even buy anything.

I said I wasn’t going to engage, but I’m going to engage. Let’s put this into perspective, Cardi works in an industry where 300K is relatively normal for an appearance especially if she’s already being offered 500k. Now she doesn’t have a boss so scale that down to women who freelance, within the financial means of

Your obsession with race is weird. 

Cardi B doesnt encourage women to put jade eggs up their vaginas. She doesnt support insane psuedo-science that leads to anti-vaxx idiocy for profit.

I’d leave my newborn for a cup of coffee and jelly donut.

“Me at happy hour pretending to listen to my friends but really thinking about dick.”

Yes, the way she seemed to be rushing from house to house, not giving anyone time to answer before moving on made me think this was someone being pursued by a serial killer. She’s fine, he’s dead, sounds so much better that what I thought we’d hear next.

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

He “deserves to make a living”, Che? Well, he already made plenty of money, so...fuck right off. He made plenty of living. And nobody is recommending that McDonald’s not hire him. They’re just saying hey, maybe he doesn’t need--or deserve-- to be a famous fucking comedian getting millions of dollars of support. 

Last year I bought this series on eBay because I was determined to have the versions with that terrifying artwork for my children. I am currently childless, but you can bet your ass I’m saving those to fuck up my future kids.

The rapper, whose new song fucking rules who is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,

So the drug dealers of celebrities are becoming celebrities now? Now at red carpet events instead of asking “Who are you wearing today?” it will be “What are you on today and who designed it for you?”.