
Wow. You, uh, you just threw that spoiler right out there didn’t you. The entire crux of the film revolves around that reveal. It is way too soon to give away the movie like that without a spoiler warning. I know you have a bunch of these comments already, but it’s worth repeating. You messed up on this one.

OMG that seriously was painful to watch her claw paw a nerd in the face. I’m no Elon stan but grimes looks weird as hell and she just. . . Did that. Ick now I think she’s the problem not thrice married older dude with like 5 kids.

I’m hoping Kenya will step up, just for the play on words.

where you not around these comment sections during the days of the s3 -s6? apple superfans (not all normal fans) were already freaking out whenever a review gave props to the display. even last year i would see people saying they were glad apple doesnt do Amoled.

welcome to amoled, the tech than apple fanboys have trashed for the last 4 years, and is now somehow a godsend

I despise my iPhone X. I hate faceID. I hate that I have to pick my head up off the pillow if I’m laying on my side. I hate that I can’t just look down at it to unlock it, I have to lift it as though I’m taking a picture. I hate the way you close apps. I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the way the screen dims when it’s charging

If you are in the position where walking out of the correspondents dinner is even an option you are one of the elites.

And don’t take it out in your mommy or Bonnie either, get therapy and leave everybody alone.

More principals Henry Zymeck, please. He really told them parents in their face.

“it’s difficult to truly surmise what happened, but it seems like nothing out of the ordinary.”


I saw his face and thought, “Oh shit, what now?”

way to find something...

The only photos of Michelle we have rights to are of her alongside Patton. So it was either a close, awkward crop, or something resembling the one I used, which I think is actually sort of sweet—especially because he has continued her work.

Kanye really is in the sunken place. He’s quick to talk about racism being the reason he isn’t accepted as a legit fashion designer though.

Well, look at that. Even the disturbed shooter believes he shouldn’t have had access to the gun he bought. Let’s see the NRA spin that one..

When I was young (circa the late 90s and early aughts), there was a rather wide spread discussion about how horrible magazines targeted at young girls were for young girls. That the images and even the writing in these magazines were disastrous to young girls self esteem and self worth. People even floated the dread

The Judge isn’t wrong. The social media obsession and the personal lifestyle branding medium that Instagram in particular has become is pretty terrible for lots of people, but young women in particular. Is it any different that movie star obsession or magazines of yesteryear? I think so. The problem is that, because

He’s currently dating a 20 year old. So he got 4 years older and the models stayed the same age.