
In the Netherlands when an accident happens between a car and cyclist/pedestrians, the cyclist/pedestrian is by default right. The (car)driver has to proof that he is not to blame. Besides the fact that all drivers in NL were cyclists once (very little schoolbuses or car-lines at elementary) this helps to protect the

Cops dont give a shit about cyclists or pedestrians example infinity. 

If you find yourself on a slowly raising Belgian drawbridge, it’s best not to waffle.


I just watched Maximum Overdrive this weekend- the opening scene has a bridge raising full of traffic with no crossbars.  So my answer?  We’re going through the tail of a comet and need to make our way to the nearest truck stop right away.

A white coal-roller in Texas is part of an in-group with police, and not to be bound by the law. Cyclists are “environmentalists”, an out-group not be afforded protection by the law.

And you won’t find that evidence. No one is sending texts or making calls in real time to stuff this under the rug. The cops saw the kid’s ID, figured out who daddy/mommy is and knew immediately to go into damage control mode, no direction needed.

This is very well written, well informed, and well sourced. This is a more detailed article about a game series and the complex history around it than anything Kotaku has cranked out in a year and a half.

I love car cultures- donks, lowriders, Bosozoku, drift, hell, even stance- what’s particular about all of them is they take an ordinary (or less-than ordinary) car and make it special; they improve it in some specific way, either aesthetically or performance-related. All, that is, except for coal rollers. Rolling coal

From left to right; dad, passenger, driver. Driver and passenger are wearing matching work shirts. I bet driver works for dad’s business and they were “working” at the time of the accident. I can’t wait to find out who they are. 

Read the article from Bike Law dot Com about the firm representing all 6 of the cyclists.

So this means one less kid screaming the n-word in the COD lobby. One down, many more to go.

Lots of people go to jail for things they did not mean to do. This kids needs a lesson. Also at his age his record will disappear in 2 years.

Old enough to drive a 6000lb wrecking ball on wheels but not old enough to be charged when driving recklessly...this is Texas for you.  I hope the cyclists hires a top lawyer and own this kid and his family in court.

Meh. Part of the game with kit cars (for me) is taking pride and joy of ownership in a thing you built. Buying someone else’s kit car robs you of that, plus, it’s the epitome of someone else’s project because you won’t know much about the provenance of any of its bits and all the quirks. Pass. Also, why does the

People speed because the road is wide open with few parked cars or other sight blockers.

Just perfectly done

For context:

But enough about Nascar...

People who hang out hoping to video a crash are low life bottom feeders.  Also, I watch all their crash videos.