Great advice.
Great advice.
I don't usually use public transport abroad, but when I do...
You should just do what I do: cycle into the store (to ensure promptness of order pickup) while wearing a blindfold (to eradicate visual distractions) and blasting a tuba at full lung strength (to sidestep auditory distractions).
This is awesome but it's a little bizarre that they still don't have an Android app (AKAIK) considering Android's prevalence in the kind of regions and environments where Khan's 'free education for everyone' would make such a difference (and where mobile devices are typically the only way to access the internet).
Also known as the 'Go Home, Tie, You're Drunk!'
I can personally attest that it's more than powerful enough.
Very useful — just wish this and note URLs worked on the web version :(
TOC is very useful for planning, organizing and editing a book, thesis or long academic paper.
Cool – another one for the Zombie Apocalypse file!
Well, I'm reading this instead of working so... not enough?
Just in time for all those New Year's resolution diets.
While this does work, you'll get a much better solution by integrating accounts using the "Send mail as" option in the Accounts tab of Gmail Settings.
Everyone has limited attention and limited time. Devoting a uniform quality or level of mental resources to all responsibilities in your life is tantamount to admitting that you're incapable of prioritization and/or you're happy to assign an identical value to everything in your life.
Leftover lasagna...?
Bonus: you get to yell 'Hail Hydra!' at every setback recovery.
I have it on good authority that you can keep your chainsaw well lubricated and in a state of tip-top sharpness by enthusiastically dismembering the demonic corpses of the recently possessed.
A.K.A. Be aware of survivor bias.
Okay. I still think Chrome user profiles is ultimately a safer fallback option than an obscure third party.
Gmail already has a built-in account swapper.
There's only one question I'm interested in that they've still yet to answer – when is it coming to Google Apps for Business?