interstate366, now In The Industry

Actually, those are word*S*. There are 2 words, not one, therefore the singular case of “word” cannot be used. “The words are NO ONE”.

I’m just over here waiting for the first commentor to completely miss the joke...

Another effective anti-theft device:

Agreed. Once you get in the habit of not proofreading, it is almost impossible to pick it back up. Or are you talking about the content of the article?

Congratulations, Mr. HammerheadFistpunch and Mr. Teh Penguin of Doom, on COTD! My award to you is an Aston Martin which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she gets her bathing suit.

I gotcha guys

Can’t wait to LS swap the next rotary Mazda

Otherwise known as “What’s Ziodberg doing today?”

He only does that in the bathrooms around Miami’s campus

Hey look! I can’t drive a stick!

Have you hit anyone recently?

Congratulations CarsofFortLangley, I’ve decided to gift you Jalopnik’s favorite grandmother. She’ll be buying a sweet ride and heading on over as soon as the check arrives from Saudi Arabia.

Nothing is that busy lol

Not as busy and overdesigned as the new Civic.

Do you know how many people/puppies you killed?! DO YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH?!?!

If this comment isn’t COTD, you’re killing people.

Queue up the Lewis haters who at the slightest mention of Rosberg, Mercedes, WDC, etc, will jump at the opportunity to spew their vitriol against one of the most successful F1 drivers of all time with so much fervor.