Cinnamon Owl

Trump was a CEO. It's not like he was an apprentice plumber, and became president, but had no idea bosses could fire people.

Nate Silver has a theory, which is that if you compare the polls (here, a narrow Conservative win) and the conventional wisdom like betting markets (solid C win) then you should figure the error will actually be in the other direction. I don't know if he has a Why, but I would posit that the conventional wisdom is

I watched the first iteration, and liked it. But it didn't leave me with questions to which I thought there existed answers. So I haven't been particularly interested in checking out this version.

Borat. I thought it would be hilarious. Instead I saw a bunch of seemingly decent people trying to deal with a big loud offensive person by hoping if they didn't set him off farther ("Mmmm. Huh. Well. Hmm") he would go away. It's probably what I would do in their shoes. About halfway through I gave up on it becoming

I did TDVC as a condensed book on tape, and in that format it works pretty well—it was an entertaining fast-paced romp that fit into the drive from my parents' house.

Murdering people for easy fresh food is evil. Really. Jerome, the other shelter kids, the astronaut. It's not okay to murder them because he plays a nice piano line.

I think it was setting up "Major, despite being a really nice guy, is once again making a poor life decision."

"If you must monologue, shoot first, then monologue to the corpse" is one of my favorite bits of practical villain advice. Having it be a stubbornly consistent Blaine trait, rather than just appearing when he has the drop on one of our heroes, makes it rather endearing.

Even Rachel?

It can be two things.

While this is an excellent point, who drives to the point of the kidnapping, parks, then tries to come up with a plan?

I definitely wouldn't come up with a plan that relied on the barback even in human mode, much less zombie.

I quite liked this episode—it feels like the endpoint of this season might be better than some of the fumbly steps laying out the path to get here.

More Peyton-Clive! I could easily watch an episode of them trading off "I am very no nonsense." "I am even more no nonsense." "I'm crossing my arms now and communicating solely with body language." "Serious eyebrows."

Blaine vs Boss, monologuer vs non-monologuer, was brilliant.

I totally expected her to pull out a weapon and stop the truthers. Still might.

We just adopted two kittens from a cat rescue. Kittens in good health are easy for shelters to place.

Charming when it's one animal per decade or two. My sister in law lives in the country, and it's many animals a year who show up after being let loose to "find new homes with country folk who want a pet." One local shelter wouldn't let her drop off any more dogs.

When we found a lost dog in the woods people suggested alerting the police/animal control, because someone who had lost a dog that morning (not the one we found) had left the woods to ask there. It's the one logical clearing house. (I live in a quiet suburb, so carrying the lost bichon frise into the police station

One of the weirdest bits of his foreign trip was some staffer raving about how there were no protesters in Saudi Arabia. The press pointed out that this was probably because they don't recognize free speech, rather than showing how incredibly popular the government was, and he mumbled about how, okay, but still it