Cinnamon Owl

There was a weird little bit at the immunity challenge where Probst was like 'can she do it again?' and Michaela replied 'fuck yes' and did it again. I often wish someone would tell Jeff off when he's berating someone and trying to throw them off, even if I know they would cut it. I adore Michaela, but she is not the

Yup, the sugar was a twofer—completely distract JT from how he was trying to get Sandra voted out a few hours earlier AND amuse Varner, which is what he looks for in an alliance.

Michaela and Debbie made a nice contrast, in that JT seemed convinced that Michaela was at Debbie levels of hate generation. Even if she had eaten the sugar, it's been established that you are the only two who use it, so the others probably aren't much miffed.

And I'd rather the edit telegraphed more often. Seeing the steps that lead to someone being sent home (with an idol! in their luggage back at camp!) while zero people put down Sandra's name is far more interesting than a result that seems to come out of nowhere.

I think we need to consider the possibility that "The Queen stays Queen" is an actual magic incantation against which her tribe mates are helpless.

Sandra Plan A: JT goes home.
Sandra Plan B: Michaela goes home.
There are probably Plans C and D where she manipulates JT into sending home Aubry or Jeff.

If an act, it's not a wise one. Every time she claimed that she got over the beam in 30 seconds to Hali's 10 minutes (first time I thought she mixed up her nouns but no, it's a recurring theme even mid immunity challenge) it was like holding up a large sign announcing "I will turn on you because I realize you are in

Michaela with her challenge beast skills apprenticing to Sandra's social game—I could get very solidly behind this. Michaela has a very blunt style (which I like) and seeing her act at TC was a very new side.

I liked Aubry's sheer respect reaction when Sandra owned up to eating the sugar.

Sandra: "The queen stays queen." *waves hand in Jedi symbol

Even more for Caroline's point—what is less surprising than a disappearing city disappearing?

I usually roll my eyes at how many things are considered phallic, but waffles has me baffled.

It's at least a logical place to apply "Hire a sex worker." If no one will voluntarily come over and redo your garden for you, or plan your meals, you should also hire a professional.

I find a lot of the left-side of climate change unhelpfully focused on statements like "We are LITERALLY destroying the planet." And when you point out that's not what literally means, they claim that they have to be hyperbolic because EMERGENCY and people don't understand that nuanced weather pattern stuff.

I hope this episode touches on Syd's side of the accidental escape from Clockworks.

All Trump's plans consist of post-its that say things like "Direct the military to come up with a plan to immediately defeat all terrorism." "Direct Justice Department to end urban crime." "Direct Congress to write new health care plan that covers everyone and everything while saving a ton of money."

It's like an inoculation. Warn the show enough and it will build up antibodies to wizards.

I can't even tell what genre Nunes thinks he's acting in.

This is the exact same argument we had re using Trump's words "Muslim ban" to figure out that it was a Muslim ban.

"I'm moving on from the Supreme Court."