Cinnamon Owl

That is so cool! I love both the explanation, and that the show didn't explain it but left it for the viewer to enjoy working out.

It seems like the Hand could completely avoid Danny by just concentrating on the heroin trade in LA instead of NYC.

Yeah, if she's trying to convince people that she's not cruising under everyone's threat radar this time, she's right out there drawing attention, so they conclude that it's safe to keep her around one more vote, it's working like mad.

Well, usually people are not constantly excusing the hero's behavior with "He's 10 years old! Effectively, because his parents died then. He's just an innocent child who doesn't understand boundaries and consent and consequences and stuff."

The first time you murder your father in a blind rage because he drained your secret bank account full of the $25 million you embezzled from your company.

She's been to tribal counsel 3 times in 4 episodes and not a single person put her name down, ever. I think Jedi mind-control powers have to be on the table.

Omigosh the catching and releasing of the goats was foreshadowing!!!! That makes so much more sense than "the adventure of walking up to the domestic goats."

What if they do a bunch of nonphysical challenges that rest on the ability to shit-talk?

I thought that was a nice subversion of expectations. You're sure she's about to slip away and look for a connection and… woop, here are the Division 3 goons here already.

My guess was shortly in the future, and the 60sish hairstyles were a way to suggest 'not today' rather than a specific point in the past.

They were considering killing him in ep 1 because he's so dangerous. But then he winsomely skipped through the facility stuffing people through solid surfaces and they decided that walking up really close and threatening him with guns is the way to bend him to their will.

I was thinking "Man, I need to go see if this season is 10 or 13 episodes" and then the reviewer used the word 'penultimate.' WHAT?

Is Rudy dead? I thought they were carrying his near comatose body back.

I still can't tell what's up with Lenny in episode 1. I was sure the giant headphones (with their long cord for hanging oneself or strangling the other patients) were intended as a giveaway that she was a hallucination.

This show is a marvel of how to do suspension of disbelief and draw the audience into the rules of the story. Oliver can make a shield with music—but most of the other characters can't manipulate reality that way and that's why they didn't think of it? Alrighty.

I maintain that the real story of the comically overpaying LLBean donor is what a slipshod operation was being run. Any claims to not be funded by Russia are based on a gut feeling of how that's probably not the case, not scrupulous book-keeping.

I loved Abi-Maria's return, because she managed to backstab every alliance that was allowing her to be its lowest-ranking member. Watching Sandra's form of mind control over the less competent is some sort of inverse of that conviction that Abi could always be voted out next time.

I binged the first six, which is almost unheard of for me. Unlike the Netflix Marvel shows, it doesn't feel like the cut the story randomly into vaguely one hour lengths—an episode feels like it has a satisfying pace. Wanting to end on the next one is about "oh boy I have to find out what's going on" rather than

I took the headphones at Clockworks as proof that she wasn't real, because who gives a mental patient a long cord like that? So I continue to be really confused about her corporeal existence.

I really like that she and David have the least sexy makeout scenes possible. It's rare for shows to forego the erotic and do utterly unsexy nudity or fooling around.