Cinnamon Owl

I had hoped for a second season that was a sort of Phantom Tollbooth tour through the various flavors of afterlife… and it still absolutely works, they just start in a different spot, and with… hmm, well, with different information.

See, I'm watching it on the morning of Jan 20th with a smile on my face! Delighted with the world. Discovering new twists I didn't suspect. Thank you, The Good Place.

I think Mindy was a genuinely unexpected twist—because she was Janet's idea, and "What if our idiot dj convinces our stolen Good Janet to fall in love with him because he is a person who is near her and her programming doesn't explicitly forbid it?" is exactly the sort of question our Bad Place architects wouldn't

It's been a hard rule of mine that nowadays you can pull off big twists in one offs—individual movies, episodes, books—but not in series. If it engages people, they talk about it, and they notice the clues, and they figure it out. And yet here, every single interesting philosophical question raised about TGP and its

Bad Janet needs to be included in there.

That's why I ship them, while eye-rolling at hundreds of "they're two single adults who could date, but worry something might go wrong" angsty pairs.

Meryl Streep took her turn last week, John Lewis this, so it's back to the West Coast for a member of an elite Trump wants to join but can't penetrate to pick another fight with him and keep his distracted and tweeting.

She gave us the image of arming our schools because grizzlies. We can't say Trump gave us nothing.

His introduction is weird and clunky, and nothing in the story itself is pulling it above that—it made sense that Joan felt a responsibility to the family of the man who died under her knife, but not to every person on whom she's ever performed moderately tricky surgery. I have no idea why she cares so deeply about

There is a boy character, and a girl character.

See, I find the endless personal stakes of Sherlock grating. It's like they asked Why solve a mystery committed by someone who wasn't a secret mastermind (in layered masterminds) obsessing over Sherlock the entire time they were serial killing their way through half a dozen distractions? But didn't realize the

I would watch an Alfredo-Clyde spinoff.

I think it was 16 seasons and almost 30 episodes.

Agree that the first three seasons are stronger. But heck, that's plenty of TV to watch.

One of those things you have to just not google, because you can't unlearn that.

Observations on rewatch:

Researchers on the idea of multiple intelligences note that teachers of small children tend to evaluate mean, manipulative, taunting children as low on emotional intelligence, when in the lab they score quite high. Because being a successful manipulator means being very good at observing and inducing emotions.

That answer is multiple dimensions of painful. Having to mock her was sooooooo hard on poor poor Sherlock… meanwhile Molls prob'ly had a drink, shagged a guy, and she was fine.

I watched it after it was done and quite liked it; I think not expecting a big final satisfying twist, instead viewing the last episode as a series of ending, each of which you can take as the one that matters to you, winds up being a plus.

All the tests she puts him through is her attempts to understand how he lives, how he thinks, how he feels emotion.