Cinnamon Owl

I seem to have developed an adoration of Shirley that has slipped beyond rational (i.e. her food always looks good) and will be crushed if she is eliminated.

For all we know, a paste of cocaine (or maybe meth) does make your eyebrows grow.

I spent last week catching up on S1, and it's come up before—I think it was the Tinder guy she almost slept with, where she started making out with him, stopped long enough to check that he consented to this, then went at it.

When Hector thinks you're kinda immature and self-involved, it might be time to stage an intervention with yourself.

Back when they tried to get the crazy general to give them the helicopter and Doc wound up in an airshaft smoking weed with a zombie, it was clear that the stoned zombie could understand him and had some memories.

I'd definitely start with season 1—that was decent, 2 was great, and 3 is really up and down.

Not a reaction to a disembodied zombie arm most of us expected to have a few weeks ago, when I would be right with The Man about picking garbage up off the ground and biting it.

A man runs the op, a man is the big, bad villain, and a man saves the day!

Josh isn't tall, though.

This right here is why Paula went and had a vacation hanging out in Rebecca's apartment in a robe in Josh Has No Idea Where I Am!

They met on the party bus. Though I imagine Rebecca's pole dance wiped out all other memories of that day.

I like the idea that in his tale of Bro-woe, Josh didn't mention how long he and the girl who expected marriage dated.

I think Valencia and Rebecca represent a much more "let's get wacky" friendship, while her old friends are being bored and liking things ironically.

As one of maybe four people at AVC who tried The Wire and never got into it, that really resonated with me.

I started to roll my eyes at a coffee shop starting as a pop up, but by the time we were halfway through the menu I was convinced of that pedigree.

It's like, on the one hand he's been super supportive. On the other hand, my kids were doing their laundry completely on their own by age 10.

No, that was Misty. She has slutface, according to Paula.

Trent kidnapping Valencia—or vice versa—could go some extremely disturbing places.

I'd bet on Anna joining Gurlgang4evah# over marrying him.

I think his emotional examination goes all the way down to "Old girlfriend uncomfortable to think about, new girlfriend easy—I've never felt this way!" Every time he starts dating someone—which as Hector and WhiJo observe takes about 11 seconds.