Cinnamon Owl

They know that if he starts getting to cozy with Taiwan they can offer to build an even bigger hotel, and then top it with a giant Trump statue that will occasionally spew hats out over the crowd below.

Building a wall with Canada might keep him busy.

Having a foreign policy set by "suggestions of person he had lunch with" is going to be exciting.

The State Department has tried to get him to look at their briefs before talking to people. And to use a secure line. To no avail.

I'm with Connie Willis on the disturbing nature of IaWL—I don't think all the neighbors showing up and tossing over the cash they have on hand makes bank fraud charges go away. Nor should it.

On recrafting Dems' message to appeal to Trump's white high-school-educated voters: In polls, especially in swing states, people trusted Clinton more on the economy. What they liked Trump on is immigration, and to a lesser extent terrorism. So let's all think long and hard before Dems start calling for an even higher

She was right about Paula feeling distracted, and even that a fun night out with Rebecca might help. She was cringingly wrong about "and she needs to be tricked into attending a sex toy party with two young fit beautiful women" and then "and Karen should explain the sex toys while I insist she cannot leave."

Have you ever seen your father and White Josh in the same place at the same time?

OH yes.

Maybe significant that in this episode Rebecca doesn't have to pay anything to Valencia and Heather for mentioning Josh. The only people thinking about Josh at all seem to be Trent, Hector, and White Josh. And two of those are getting really fed up with him.

Maybe White Josh. Josh and Hector seem to regularly be surprised that things are happening.

Angelique's monologue brought back many cringe-worthy nineties articles about women wearing sexy uncomfortable underwear at work so that they could sit in a business meeting thinking "I have no idea what's going on, because I am fully concentrating on my underwear! Liberation!"

Rebecca regularly hits this perfect cringe moment, and this ep it was how Paula would try to get out of the night out at multiple points and she would insist "No! No, you can't go! I won't let you! You have to do this!"

My favorite thing about surf shop girl was that I couldn't tell if she was Trent's Paula, or instead a way-smarter version of White Josh and Hector able to commandeer the prepaid finals table and wings while convincing Trent to leave.

I loved that in the friendtopia song, Valencia and Rebecca get magic new hair and sparkle dresses, while Heather is in a perfectly normal top and pants and her usual hair.

Somehow she topped "have a sex toy party with Karen." And within hours.

That seems more likely than Allison's guess that we'll never see him again. Especially when he serial-killer agreed that this was just a one-off and he'd go away afterward.

I don't know what Hocus Pocus is, and now I'm afraid to look it up.

And out of all the people in the episode, they get a sane and happy ending and start a new dance sensation! Like Darryl and White Josh just go out and have a happy stable relationship while everyone around them romantically implodes.

Stray observations:
• "Flight is not a science, but a miracle" was the perfect way to not reassure the science geek sitting next to you.