Cinnamon Owl

Actual "balance" in news coverage would mean that if you look at the Clinton Foundation, you also look at the Trump Foundation (commissioning oil paintings of Trump, in an act of charity) and Trump Empire (seriously, "the president owes hundreds of millions to Russia, but he says it's okay so we're not fussed about

Also, even though Bannon has described Breitbart as the voice of the alt-right for some time, Trump believes "alt-right" to be a term Hillary made up last week.

The one good thing I can say about the Trump candidacy is that it proves voters matter and elites do not in fact dictate who runs or wins. There is no way in 99 hells the GOP elite put their heads together two years ago and said "Okay, we want this to come down to Trump (the guy we think is a Hillary plant to deliver

It could be a subset of the list of people writing to Dan to get him to tell their exes that the ex does not have a good enough reason to break up with them.

And it's that sort of special detail that will make memorable wedding stories down the road. (We attended a memorable wedding where it poured, the groom realized that the tent was about to come down, and he leapt atop the food table with a knife from the cake and stabbed a hole so the water would drain.)

It will be fine. The things that people get really worried about (in the hosting a huge and one-off event sense) don't matter.

She follows it up again some more, when someone rightly observes that she sounds a lot like the second letter writer.

If someone sent me an illustration of me with a bunch of similar-minded individuals and a cartoon frog, I would think "what is with the frog?" and look it up before sending it to everyone I know.

A decade or so back i cancelled my local paper because they were reporting on some tax issue with "Side A says this number has been increasing. : ( HOWEVER, side B says it has been decreasing. : )" They would print numbers if a citizen went to their town offices and looked things up and wrote a letter to the editor…

Chait went off on it, as well.

Observation: Russia has not bothered to go through Assange for their last two data dumps. Seems Julian is out.

"Calling someone a racist is way worse than just doing a bunch of racist stuff." -2016, apparently

You can only be impeached for actions you take while in office. No impeaching Trump until he takes the oath and actually does a bunch of stuff. Like, he could default on bonds (actual Trump suggestion) and then start a war with Iran (again, actual recent suggestion) and cc Russia on all correspondence (you know he

I also enjoy her and Pence clutching their pearls and retreating to the fainting couch at the suggestion that someone might name call. Like "given an opponent, come up with a rude nickname and use it constantly" is completely, utterly different and they don't see how the press can confound the two.

A recent one, so silly and sure-to-be-shot-down-instantly yet those facts didn't even slow him down: The NFL sent him a letter about how they hated the debate schedule. (NFL, immediately after: "Like hell we did.")

What I love about the body double is that it took about 6 hours to go from commenters on the left sarcastically posting "What conspiracy is next? I know: body double!" to the full on Drudge siren.

Dan has written that he used to get questions about the practical aspects of fitting unlikely things into your body. But now people can look that up on the internet. What they can't look up on the internet is why their seemingly obvious (DTMFA/ no you can't expect strangers to provide you with sexual services/ other)

"I could see your point if all drivers could be trusted to pay attention to the road. But they can't."

This is the precise argument used for all sorts of unwanted approaches to women. Sure, a lot of women might be annoyed that you see them in headphones, walk over, and wave your hand in front of their eyes until they acknowledge you. But one of them might be flattered rather than creeped out and cringing, so it's okay