Cinnamon Owl

So in addition to green-lighting Russia going into Ukraine and Crimea, he's leaving things open in case Putin might want to show strong decisive leadership by seizing parts of Idaho?

I'm glad you focused on this, because I spent last night in a fury about it. She gave that interview before Trump started attacking her. Hearing Ghazala Khan speak required 5 seconds, an internet search engine, and the willingness to risk learning an answer.

It stands on its own.

I kept expecting a scene in the hospital where she and Aaron recap the Long Running Stanford Conspiracy for each other, but it's just dropped. If it's set-up for a sequel, it's not well done.

The one good aspect of Donald Trump's winning the primary is that it illustrates that voters matter far more than what party elites would prefer.

My eyes glaze over in rage when they assert "If Trump is elected then the door will be wide open for a real progressive candidate in 2020!!!!"

God could have descended from heaven and endorsed Hillary, and I'd have said 'Wait, I'm agnostic.'

They just need to send someone out to explain that Donald isn't a Christian because look at his name.

Fashionwise, the contrast of her in all white and Kaine in all black against the red and blue backdrop was very striking at the end.

We are currently trying to get our people in this election for state and federal representatives, as well as local committee person and alderman.

My position on third parties has severely dropped this election. When people complain that they are way too pure to find common cause with the more centrist members of their side of the political spectrum (any side), then wish we had a different system because they would be so good at forming a coalition government by

One of the bits trying to understand what they want (because "or bust" is a weird sentiment after the thing is not attainable, like if Oregon fell into the ocean and so people on the Oregon trail sat down in Kansas and chanted slogans) concluded that it was maybe the sense of community of the movement.

He also co-wrote quite a good Holmes novel, Mycroft Holmes. The part I wound up discussing around here is that race comes up in the novel—most of it takes place on Trinidad—and Mycroft is Not a Racist, but this is not shown by having Mycroft deliver a lecture to silent Trinidadians explaining things.

My daughter is at college in Texas, and it would be really difficult for her to register there. I'm not sure if it's impossible, but definitely not at the "bring in a bill addressed to you and we'll let you register" level. I could see similar barriers making things complex for liberal-trending groups other than

Trump's health care plan: in several months, he's going to come out with a GREAT health care plan.

Who do they trust to be an unbiased source of sound advice?

Props to EE—via Sullie Tuesday—for tweeting that the Clintons staying married is more in tune with conservative values than Trump's serial divorces.

This is where I get very bemused at the DNC hack revealing that a few people privately had… disdain for the Sanders campaign by the middle of May. Ergo he lost, because who down by a teensy few million primary votes can hope to come back against hidden disdain?

He's the domestic policy version of Biden. Solid governing credentials, plus appeals to a certain working class Catholic segment of the populace.

Actually I don't think Trump voters are shy and bashful. They've been saying what they think—it's just that everyone used to smile and nod, now family or friends or bosses (people whose opinion actually matters) glare and tell them to hush now. It used to be that they could assure themselves that everyone agreed with