Cinnamon Owl

The male Leda.

For me it works better if Cal really is a random factor. So no one knows how his genetic addition will affect Kira. (Removing constraints being just as possible as losing any special abilities. The argument for sterilizing the clones was to prevent the escape of their special sequences, and that may not just have been

The issue with curing Castor is that he's a biological weapon. It's implied Susan's safe only because she's past menopause.

I think the confusion was that they combined the time with the half hour After the Black show.

Susan is just really bad at adapting to circumstances that deviate from her planned outcome.

She could have done a lot of work through handwritten correspondence. If they don't have in-person meetings, no one has to learn that P is for Poppy.

Felix's biological sister can be held in reserve next season for when they need a US lawyer. Then she doesn't come out of nowhere.

Yeah, Susan, never have these conversations in the kitchen!

I like to imagine Hell Wizard has a closet for your more elaborate rounds of Agricola.

She and Susan have a lot in common. All cool and polished and following their neatly-crafted plan for world domination, surprised to find that someone will brutally break from their prescribed role.

"Villain discovers that target is allowed to escalate" is mine, but that works here: if there's anyone no one expects to escalate a situation it's Ira.

He's holding S and Kira at gunpoint. Fun as he is, his odds of surviving past the first 5 minutes of season 5 have to be dubious.

Krystal can be a new Alison. As the various neolutionists finally figure out that they should NOT start with the suburban housewife in their intimidation campaigns they switch to Krystal. She immediately delivers punches to gut, groin, and jaw, maces them, accuses them of being Estee Lauder agents behind the eyelid

I'd trade Rachel and Susan for Cosima in a heartbeat, too.

What I found perplexing in that scene was that Delphine nods to him, twice. Once before saying her (now scripted-sounding) line, and once when he's getting ready for the head shot.

Also to being raised in the US. Hormones in the milk!

"Eternal life" seems a more understandable goal than "tails."

Next season he and Gracie will stride dramatically from the island forest. He will help Ira to be less of a wuss.

One change from 2008 to now is a focus on smaller, more personal events for Clinton. She's good at those, and she's not really a barn-burner. (I view her improved 2016 campaign as a strong plus, since it demonstrates an ability to learn from the past and make changes going forward.) The star power thing is I think

I think Clinton would be thrilled at the change to wonkishly wonk out while someone else handles the "be exciting" side.