Cinnamon Owl

The one good side is that Greer LOVES to monologue

(The commentariat become covered in orange cheeto dust, look around in confusion, back up and try leading on the left foot instead.)

It won't be satisfying if he's all "well you know best." He needs a moment of existential horror at how far from his naive imaginings his baby tyrant has gone. Then it can kill him.


re Finch, I foresee something closer to "oh, that's why Harold has all these rules, because his Wrath of Godmode is just this ruthless" than "Harold finally lets up on his rules, everything is fine."

I was deeply impressed that the show didn't do any "previously on" for these episodes, so the eventual appearance of the long-lost character could be a surprise. Trusting that even if you hadn't watched that episode, or didn't remember it, you could figure out from context who these were.

"I could be using this time to explain to some counterperson NOT to put mayonnaise on a sandwich, but no, I need to waste time disarming you and escaping… This is putting back lunch, isn't it?"

Gah. There was even a perfectly logical circular thread where it was themselves from the future, trying to warn themselves off what they were about to do. Or some other "all the threads wind together in the end" ideas. But no, one more "we don't know, we just thought it would be weird and cool if this happened."

It was definitely Obama. Which distracted me into "Would the actual real person Obama go along with this ludicrous comic book plot? So he could live the rest of his life not as the leader of the free world, but as one of a whole bunch of boring country club types sitting around hoping the robots sweep up soon, with

I loved that, even if I had to draft my teenager to assure me there was beeping.

(The commentariat perform an interpretive dance in gratitude.)

President is like emperor of the Sith, right? Absolute power, no checks and balances, what he wants will instantly become how things are.

I like the idea of each team's spec ops dude trying on Reese's level whisper.

I really liked the movie Europa Report and was surprised to discover later that it was classified as horror, a genre I normally dislike. I think the difference is that the deaths are in pursuit of a powerful goal larger than themselves—it's not games with a psychopath who chops people up for fun, but people on the

Yeah, I'm honestly surprised it hasn't offed him yet, but killed by his own creation is practically demanded.

I agree that the second Team Machine isn't a spinoff proposal, but a sign that All Plots don't happen to occur in NYC. That she has a bunch of teams out there, recruited by her, some incorporating old numbers on the staff.

"Inept privacy enthusiasts might drop drones from the sky onto you! Better give the government more control to prevent this stuff."

I'm more wondering if the Machine has free will. Can she free herself from the need to get Finch's permission?

Give a historical example of a positive progressive change that came in an avalanche, and then stuck forever.

How on EARTH are you disenfranchised? Because Bernie votes didn't count triple?