
Agreed. The Russians even have a 2-shot firing protocol: 2 A2A missiles at once against any single air target.

Yeah but stealth still has to be combat proven, doesn’t it?


My money’s on the Scout Rangers. They’ve got a longer, more battle-hardened tradition and history in the Philippines. They’re like the old SEAL teams in the Vietnam war: Search & Destroy, period.

Thrust vectoring and rapid turns did nothing to hurt the UK’s Sea Harriers as they battled Argentina’s Mirage jet fighters during the Falkland War.

Yeah, they do like to show off their flexibility. Damned Peznaz.

That’s a pretty darned strong wing build. I’d like to see anyone try that with a Typhoon or F-15, or even a B-52. There are at least a dozen and a half men sitting on that one wing. Just ridiculous!

Really makes you wonder, who really WON the majority of dogfighting exercises.

That’s because Russia’s military is mainly defensive in nature. Despite what the mainstream media and Pentagon may say, Russia doesn’t have the ability to go on the offensive. Its forces are enough to defend its own territory, and that’s about it —- and that’s the way it should be.

I’m under the impression that over the years, it’s WE who’ve become totally dependent on centralized control, be it from ground control or from an AWACS.

Yeah, right on, brother. I wonder how many on here know what that’s like. If you’ve served and seen combat, you know what’s up. It’s truly a little different though when you always have to be switched on, especially in the deep south, and you live in a part of the nation where everyone —- and their pet dog —- is armed

Right? Philippine Marines are professionals, man. Gotta give credit to the U.S. for training them hard and training them right.

No offense, mate. My grandmother, my father’s mother, was fluent in both English and Spanish, as well as a smattering of other popular dialects. My dad could hear and understand Spanish, but not speak it. He was also fluent in a lot of dialects.

I don’t think they use TVC to point the plane to a target. They’ve all got High Off Boresight or HOBS target-cueing helmets (at least the Russians do). Yeah, maybe one day, our own bloody F-22’s will all get that, huh?

Because it looks COOL, OKAY?? Geez ....

Yeah, it’s like the Russians took the best of the F-14, then set it up with a date with an F-16, and the SU-30 is the freaking love child of the two.

Spanish isn’t in the dominant language in the Philippines. My father’s from the Philippines, and he wrote and spoke better English than I did.

Spanish isn’t in the dominant language in the Philippines. My father’s from the Philippines, and he wrote and spoke better English than I did.

Huh? It’s been done before. I believe the U.S. was the one that pioneered the airdropping of heavy armor (e.g., Sheridan tank). Yes, the Russian paratroop divisions are big on airdropping armor. It doesn’t have to be an MBT. Even an IFV like a BMD-4 would be enough don’t you think when you’re faced with the challenge

Their range isn’t bad, despite being gas-guzzlers. Or that is, guzzle-anything-guzzlers. But yeah, it takes a lot of juice to haul nearly 55 tons of steel, uranium, rubber, ammo and bits of flesh around.