This Limo-
This Limo-
I spent a season up in Alaska fishing on this amphibious vessel converted to fishing carboat. They also have several that they use for tendering operations as well. drive one off the lot today
Morris Minor Panel Van
It’s Different In A Saturn
I think this is the 14th S-Series saturn that I’ve owned. They are super easy to work on and parts are dirt cheap. My last one was a twin cam manual ‘95 wagon with 334,000 miles on it before it before the original crank pulley main oil seal let go. Swapped out motor and then it was stolen/wrecked shortly thereafter.…
This one is a 1996. Last of the body style but second generation Saturn. Dirt Cheap to keep running. just hit 42,000 miles this weekend on the odometer.
This rehashed herb of a Jezebel post is some real Spanfeller garbage.
Lana Del Rey
Stick to sports
Jim Spanfeller is a herb.
Trump’s Tax Returns
Picked up this sweet little number last week. 1996 SC2 with 36,000 original miles. 1/2 of them were being towed behind an RV. Super easy to work on. The S-Series is magic. Parts are dirt cheap and available on the shelf at every autozone and picknpull is full of them for plastic trim. They run forever with minimal…
I’ll sell you a 1996 Saturn SC2 with 36,000 original miles (half of them were towed behind an RV). Has new tires, brakes and AC compressor.
I feel that this story could have been researched a bit further. In 2019 it was established that the dickless blobby mass that makes up a Ken doll’s crotch is now known as a Spanfeller.