
Little kid vampires are always creepy. That "kid" deserved worse than she got, though IMHO The newly-turned villagers OTOH, ouch.

It looks better than The Walking Dead. There's a very creepy vibe in the trailer.

On Vampire Prosecutor: I caught an episode of it on Mnet and just couldn't get over the ridiculousness of the premise He'a a Vampire, and he's a Lawyer!
 Then again, I'm not a fan of vampires or Kdramas.

What about Goong? I've heard good things, but I've never tried it. Reply 1997 seems like a fun, nostalgic comedy. I caught a few episodes on Mnet and even though it's loaded with 90's Korean pop culture references there's still plenty of material to amuse an American who remembers the mid-late 90's

I don't remember having that problem watching a TV show, since there are natural commercial breaks. But I recommend Crackle primarily for Nodame Cantabile, and the fact that it's free on Roku

Damn, I love me some man-eating giants! And I never thought I'd love a show about man-eating giants. It just has to be seen to be believed. It's like a zombie show, except, y'know, GIANTS! And an army of Spider-Men, (Seriously, all the animators had to watch The Amazing Spider-Man in order to get the 3D fighting

The Kon movie that's easiest to get into is Tokyo Godfathers. Full stop.

Never heard of a Red Wedding until tonight. It was a pretty grim night.

I was really hoping that Catelyn would set him on fire before they could kill her.

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I'm skeptical, but if the issues remain good I'd love to check it out in the trades. Especially if they de-vampirize Jubilee because I hated the mini in which vampire Jubilee teams up with Wolverine. I don't know if that was when she was officially turned or if it happened earlier, but the whole concept and execution

Glad I'm not the only one who finds the plot and male writer/artist team on a "strong, new, all female superhero" title suspect They couldn't get (thinks of Marvel writers and artists) Kelly Sue DeConnick or Sara Pichelli on this?

I'm assuming he's an innocent hosting a bad guy, which, well, it's been done (most recently in Wonder Woman, where a baby might be the one who destroys the world. Or something like that.). As has 3-men-and-a-baby type plots, but I'm a bit of a sucker for 'em.

Adventure Time is a show that makes me go Whoa, this is for kids? (Or alternatively WTF?) in just about every episode. I really gotta stop doing that. This episode was funny and silly without talking down to its youngest audience members. So a reanimated corpse/ghost attacks our heroes…he only really spills milk on

I was younger when BTAS was on TV, and it was the dark atmosphere and lack of humor that put me off. Now I can see that there was plenty of subtle humor, but back the only episodes that stick out from childhood were Joker/Harley ones. I guess I felt weird laughing with the "bad guys".

I had never heard of her before (I thought most of the BTAS music, at least in the beginning, was all Danny Elfman's)! Wow, she was amazing.

I've been re-watching BTAS and Batman Beyond on the Hub, finally finding the quality of those shows that I missed as I child (I felt that BTAS, at least, was too dark for my taste as a kid, but then, I was a Marvel Girl). These reviews were a well written treat, and I really enjoyed them! Now I have to go watch JL &

I'm thinking more "Ain't no mountain high enough…"

Yup, Boy Bands (and Girl Bands) are still a thing in most of the world, particularly East Asia, where S. Korea and Japan have idol-building systems that may as well involve cloning and hamster cages. Actually, I think that's how Morning Musume got started…

Ben as a stay-at-home dad does have potential for humor