
If I had a choice to get maids serve me breakfast in bed, I'd take it. Gender and marital status be damned!

I would like your comment, but I don't want Anna to burst into fire. Bates, maybe. Anything gotta be better than this prison plot

Beemo would make better toast, and NEPTR would make the best pies!

When Branson acts like a toddler, he should be treated as such. (Talking about toddlers, the Ethel plotline is annoying, but her kid is so damn cute with his brand new Teddy bear!)

It's a very realistic plotline. So many people have bailed out Downton in the past who didn't have a say as to whether Robert should piss all the money away in Canadian railroads (like his American-born wife and her family). It's about time someone took care of the financing of a large estate that's on constant verge

Because she's pregnant and, um, it's raining outside? Or because the coppers are out to get her husband for burning down a house, and they could arrest her as a conspirator. Too be fair, only her father seemed especially concerned for her…

I like TMNT too, so I checked it out. Apparently, it's coming back on Jan 25, which is a Friday. I hope they aren't schedule-juggling it to kill it.…

I was expecting Razer to ask her if she was fully functional this week. I don't mind the 'ship as long as it's more shared glances/chaste caring for one another, I guess, because I was unprepared for how completely creeped out I'd become when Razer started acting like he wanted to do her, right there. They really

I'm pretty sure it's original to the show, but I think it's inspired.

Razer actively hitting on Aya is very creepy, but Hal trying to give Aya a sex-ed lesson was funny. "You see Aya, some carbon-based lifeforms posses what's known as hormones…"

How can you be sick of The Beetles? They're one of the best rock bands in history!

Loved the episode!

I hope they just give it it's own show. Half hour or Adventure Time/Regular Show 11-minute blocks are fine. The question is whether CN is willing to take a "risk" on an action show with a female protagonist. Is the network that ran Sailor Moon in America willing to domestically produce a show obviously influenced by

I actually thought Green Lantern was stronger this week. Last week was a lot of fun (and I hope we see the Steam characters again), but this week had more character development for Aya and Razr, and we got to see the Blue Lanterns. Razr learning to meditate reminded me of Korra trying to do the same.

Where was she? I mean, I got that she took over some guy's apt in Chicago, but was I supposed to recognize who the guy was?

uh, she protected a classmate who was being threatened by some boys in their school, and it was blown up as "female character nearly gang-raped in DC comic" on the web. I can't comment on the comic's overall quality because I only read that first issue, but I do think that particular criticism was unfair.

I'm not sure what to think of Mal, but I really love how Bumblebee is being portrayed as smart, capable, and more interested in science than her boyfriend without being a typical "nerd girl."

I loved this episode because I completely related to it! I tend to get overprotective when taking care of other people's kids. When my nephew was a toddler I used to get all nervous when he played rough, like when people threw him in the air or he rammed his riding toys into the wall so hard I was sure he'd hit his

I loved the Rogers/Albequerque run, too, and it was YJ that got me to check it out. From my glance at the Nu52 Blue Beetle, the only good thing about it is Jaime's awesomely quirky New York-based grandma, but she can't make up for the fact that they made his parents a non-entity in the new version. Whatever, I'm