
We don't know how custody laws work in Ooo. Jake has yet to put a ring on it, which is a mistake if you ask me. <lsp> "Girl, what were you thinking?! You didn't get him to marry you yet?"</lsp>

We don't know how custody laws work in Ooo. Jake has yet to put a ring on it, which is a mistake if you ask me. <lsp> "Girl, what were you thinking?! You didn't get him to marry you yet?"</lsp>

I am digging the Rapunzel arc of the Fables spin-off Fairest. I gave up on the first arc of Fairest after issue 2, but Lauren Beukes starting writing the completely unrelated Rapunzel arc at issue 8 and she's knocking my socks off.

I am digging the Rapunzel arc of the Fables spin-off Fairest. I gave up on the first arc of Fairest after issue 2, but Lauren Beukes starting writing the completely unrelated Rapunzel arc at issue 8 and she's knocking my socks off.

I was bothered much more by the lack of answers in Y than anything in Machina. If the cause of the plague wasn't supposed to be important in the end, than why darg it along as a plot point from so many angles throughout? Just keep it about political upheaval and crazy Israeli soldiers and whatnot, and keep the

I was bothered much more by the lack of answers in Y than anything in Machina. If the cause of the plague wasn't supposed to be important in the end, than why darg it along as a plot point from so many angles throughout? Just keep it about political upheaval and crazy Israeli soldiers and whatnot, and keep the

Props to you for recognizing Gin-Chan! I don't agree with your take on Michonne though; she's not supposed to be a protagonist, just a kickass chick side character with a samurai sword and at that she's doing a fine job!

Props to you for recognizing Gin-Chan! I don't agree with your take on Michonne though; she's not supposed to be a protagonist, just a kickass chick side character with a samurai sword and at that she's doing a fine job!

I liked this episode, it had a therapy theme that actually worked. The highlight for me was Daryl getting Carl to open up about Lori's death by sharing his own mom's story. And Rick conveniently worked out all his issues re:Lori with Dial-A-Therapist, so that was good.

I liked this episode, it had a therapy theme that actually worked. The highlight for me was Daryl getting Carl to open up about Lori's death by sharing his own mom's story. And Rick conveniently worked out all his issues re:Lori with Dial-A-Therapist, so that was good.

Lil' Kick-Ass is a great name. Call her Lil for short!

Lil' Kick-Ass is a great name. Call her Lil for short!

The WB practically started it…

The WB practically started it…

Hey, she was nice enough to carry the baby supplies to the prison! So she kicks ass and she has a nurturing side!

Hey, she was nice enough to carry the baby supplies to the prison! So she kicks ass and she has a nurturing side!

Kobayashi Maru! :)

Kobayashi Maru! :)