
some people are really into the S&M thing, but it’s supposed to be a consensual and loving relationship from what i gathered seeing people on Quora answer questions about it. This cult is just rape

A sex cult...welp....

You ever read the case of how someone willingly got cannibalized? People’s fetishes literally span from not fucking in any position but missionary to willingly getting eaten by another human. Willingly becoming a sex slave fits comfortably in between. Humans are weird.

“ join, women are brainwashed into handing over blackmail-worthy material such as pornographic pictures or financial information.”

except that is exactly why he said he did it. He flat out says “you know that kiss is YOUR fault.” and then goes on to tell her he was just teasing her about it but then they *HAD* to do it because it made her so uncomfortable.

Yeah why take the Duffer’s brothers OWN FUCKING WORDS ON TAPE for the facts... nah that would hurt you too much. You remind me of all the Cosby apologists and defenders... you remind me of every single asshole who defended Spacey for years (since these allegations are not new) or every asshole who defended

Yes, we all know parent’s of child actors ONLY EVER have their child’s concerns at heart. Its not like Hollywood is world-renowned for parent’s abusing their kids for personal profit. Fact is, we don’t know what her parents are like in any way shape or form so we can’t really judge one way or another... but given

THANK YOU for being intelligent and reasonable. Its remarkable how many people can’t see this for what it is... using the Duffer’s brothers OWN words and video against them.

Nothing wrong with kissing scenes when appropriate. The topic at hand is that the directors admitted ON SCREEN in the beyond stranger things episode that they made her do the kiss for their enjoyment, and it was never planned. Its not about making the scene more coherent or consistent with the story. Its not that the

the discussion of it on behind the scenes was actually so awkward and felt so inappropriate that I definitely felt that rage when i watched it. It wasn’t a scripted kiss - they didn’t even decide to do it until they realized how much it terrorized the actress on the day of when they teased her about it. The duffer

The actress may be 15 but this is part of the job.

If they added it post-script because they felt it would facilitate the scene, and gave Sink time to digest the addition, that would be one thing, but if they specifically did it to make Sink feel uncomfortable then that is a big dick move.

It’s less about the act and more about the fact that it wasn’t part of the script, and the ONLY reason Duffers added it in was BECAUSE it made Sink uncomfortable. That’s an asshole move, no matter what. Why does that matter? Because we, as a society, need to stop making excuses and letting people get away with acting

A little annoyed by all the anime fans who are taking this too seriously, and people who hate Jaden Smith (who is actually not that annoying– I think he’ll grow out of it). I’ve only watched the first episode but can’t wait to continue. I found the show hilarious.

Jaden Smith’s voice acting is either intentionally the worst or the worst. That said, sometimes the terrible voice acting makes the jokes land better. Jude Law doesn’t seem like he’s trying very hard either, but he’s playing a robot so he gets a semi-pass.

Interestingly, in Kaz’s apartment there’s a portrait of Little Lord Fauntleroy, the kindly rags to riches kid that teaches a cold aristocrat that the upper class should be compassionate. Neo Yokio doesn’t quite say that, but it’s closer to that message than asking the system that allows the aristocratic to thrive to

I definitely think the look of the show is deliberate—it indulges in a lot of mid-tier 2005 anime tropes like chibification and nosebleeds and sweat drops that basically, someone on the production staff had to know. Ididn’t find the animation quality too distracting, but uh, Jaden’s voice acting starts out ROUGH.


Nah, when i was in scouts and we went to Philmont, Toblerone was like chocolate gold. We used it as a bartering chip to trade with staffers that couldn’t get it reliably.

it’s also delicious and tasty and toblerone.

im sold at the picture.