Insurance Joe

Your articles keep leaving out the most important thing, he legally needs a variance from the zoning board to keep the plane at his house. He apparently doesn’t have that, so he can’t legally store his plane there. It is possible that this would have happened even if his neighbors didn’t complain.

That semi stopped running for a lot longer than the wind warning lasted.

I would hope they would be upset about anyone saying the n-word regardless of color... Not really what you want to associate with your brand when you’re trying to appeal to everyone who might play a game.


A spokesperson for Tesla told Jalopnik that the sensors do detect object, including walls, in front of the vehicle. But the reason why they don’t stop the car in situations like Son’s can be boiled down to the notion that in the end, the human is always the boss.

Depends on how the particular law is written and varies city to city. This is the double edged sword of city and states rights and more power to local governments. It makes some things confusing or different place to place, but it is great for other issues.

Is there any word on AWD or hybrid versions?

I like that. It would really help offset the image deficit of having a minivan. Too bad they aren’t selling them...

Does anyone have experience with the Ergotron and the Uplift arm? I find the Uplift arm can be tricky to get smooth operation. It seems to want to not stay where I put it sometimes and seems shaky. The Uplift is fine in the normal position, but if I try to push it out if the way, it will often swing back towards me.

Does anyone have experience with the Ergotron and the Uplift arm? I find the Uplift arm can be tricky to get smooth

There’s a difference between choosing a life of prostitution and being forced into or to stay it. Unlikely she could have just walked away from that group.

Why is this at the top of the Jalopnik feed today? This was written 6 years ago!

I wish you would fix that. I’ve been trying to filter out politics since the primaries started...

You’re really fun at parties, aren’t you?

It’s amazing how often I’ve seen this too. Traceability saves careers (or destroys them).

It is possible Tesla tracks the input separately from what the car is doing. I have 2 Subarus which show my throttle position on one of the info screens. Neither shows that throttle is being applied during cruise control despite that it clearly is at least part of the time. It only shows the position of the throttle

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Take 5 minutes and learn about the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit:

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For all the people who are commenting on how this is this generations “hot coffee” lawsuit or similar, here is a five minute video thay explains what really happened in that incident:

Why is there no need? Are you already aware that she was not driving, tried to avoid suing, had third degree burns for the near boiling coffee, and just wanted some help with her medical bills? Also are you aware that she did not receive millions and McDonald’s already had been told they were serving coffee

I hope so.

Being someone in America who stops to help, my experience has always been I’m far from the only one who stops to help. Lots of people stop to help in America.