
it soooooooooooooooooo was.

(hopefully you heard the trumpets and fanfare).

letting yourself revel in even the little victories can make all the difference in the world.

(when you’re super bummed out *there are no small victories*, they are all gargantuan. :) )

Agreed. It should be in the arsenal, if need be, but done with extreme care.

I say this with love and understanding because I’m an addict, but you’ve done what you can do. It’s a cliche, but it’s absolutely true, that he won’t get help unless he wants it. My parent basically forced me into rehab twice after I was evicted and homeless and it was a waste of their money and everyone’s time. All

For some reason I confuse the Miz and the Mooch in my head and I read all of that thinking the Miz from Real World/Wrestling had his own steakhouse and I was like “Hey, that’s pretty cool he’s branching out.” and then I realized I was confused and quite possibly an idiot.

Unlike people with class, I love to say I told you so. Lol. But for real tho, it’s really sad

It is about time. This mf has flown under the radar with all these allegations for far too long. TAKE HIM DOWN.

I’m feeling like he’s getting exactly what he wants from the media: attention. It seems to fuel his belief that he’s some sort of messiah. Narcissistic personality disorder is a motherfucker.

Five years ago I wrote to a friend about Kanye West’s well-reviewed but (in my opinion) emperor-has-no-clothes,

He is dead now! So, there’s that.

It’s the unflinching crass consumerism that annoys me about Disney fanatics. They really don’t want to thoughtfully discuss the animations or the meanings behind the storylines ... they want to shell out thousands of bucks on weeklong vacations at the kitschy hotels and plastic-laden parks, buy “rose gold” mouse ears

So, I like Disney well enough, I’m looking forward to taking my kids someday.

This dude is pretty boss. You could say he’s...

Stop trying to make Donniety Kane happen.

Girl. Do you Tom, take Abby, my KWERN, to be your lawfully wedded hunty forever and over?