That is amazing. I've always wanted to play as Mr. Mxyzptlk
That is amazing. I've always wanted to play as Mr. Mxyzptlk
I'm not sure why people are selling them now, the day the damn console came out. Imagine what the achievement whores would pay for this 5 years down the line. I can easily imagine it being $100+, though I'm afraid to imagine how much more.
I'm not convinced the failure rate is as low as they say it is; the .4% is determined from the pre-release models, everything else is nothing but an estimate. Granted, my opinion on this is biased, considering I was one of the PS4 owners struck by the blue light of death, but most of what I've seen leads me to…
A number of PlayStation 4 owners appear to have non-functional units that all suffer the same problem, a so-called blue light—or blue pulse—of death. We can't tell how many and assume it's a small but noteworthy minority.
I disagree. While Assassin's Creed does plenty wrong, one thing they get absolutely right is that they're not afraid to move on after they feel the story for one of their characters has been told. They're not afraid to introduce new characters. The gaming industry could really use more of that mindset.
This actually reminds me... when footage of The Last of Us was first shown, I actually thought it was Uncharted 4, starring an older, bitter Drake with his young daughter. I actually thought it was a very interesting move, and was very interested in what happened.
That was actually ME3. Had so many fantastic moments in it.
Exactly what I thought. It will take a long, long time for the XB1 and PS4 library can match the quality of the current gen systems, and even then I remain convinced the current gen will have some gems that prove to be irreplaceable.
One of my biggest problems with the "in with the new generation, out with the old" mentality is that it completely undercuts the idea of games as art. "Who needs old games, I have new ones!". When a good movie is release, it usually remains a good movie for decades after; I believe the same is true for games. I…
While I would enjoy it, you would risk really pissing off major Tolkien fans by creating a game around Sauron. From what I know, many feel the reason that Sauron is never shown in the LOTR books (closest it ever comes is when Pippin glimpses his hand in looking through the pallantir) is because Tolkien specifically…
"Please, it's Batman. Superman is my father's name".
You could easily rack up $800 buying songs for RB. I wouldn't be surprised if I've spent that much, at least :(
I've been considering that, actually, and I'm wondering; are any of the other Assassin's Creed books worth reading? Forsaken has caught my interest because it seems to actually add a lot to the character. That's what I look for in novelizations. I don't mind if it's mostly a retelling of the game, as long as it…
While I'm far from in love with Connor, I don't mind him, and feel those who unfavorably compare him to Ezio are kind of missing the point. Connor isn't supposed to be a lovable rogue. He's a straight faced, no-nonsense type of person, which is a personality type that was seen as virtuous at the time the game is set…
Seriously? I don't want to throw the phrase "false advertising" around, as it's way overused and this technically is not a case of it, but considering how much they were hyping the dog, it feels strange to leave him out of most of the game. I'm completely serious when I say it lessens my desire to play it.
Thanks, just the kind of information I was looking for. I've been considering just biting the bullet and getting an I7 processor at some point, but if my CPU is fine now I'll hold off and just get a better video card.
I'm piggybacking on this because I'm an idiot when it comes to computer hardware. While I don't particularly care about BF4, I am still wondering if I could play it I wanted to. SRtest says I can run it but don't meet the optimal settings, but I'd like an opinion from someone who's actually good with this stuff. I…
Eh, to each his own. For a game like Rome Total War, I personally want as authentic an experience as possible; that means lots of carnage. War is an ugly thing, but I still want it to be portrayed honestly.
Once the level gap between you grows too large they'll stop ambushing you. Until you move into a higher level dinner party, that is.