
Oh please. The concept of DLC has evolved, and isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. In fact, I'd argue those who make blanket statements like "all DLC is bad, no matter what it is" are the ones who are brainwashed.

"Otaku" is a word that has gathered a lot of misunderstood meanings over the years. It's original meaning is "outsider", but over the years it has become much less of an insult. The way Kojima means it, it's no different than saying "if you're a nerd, you need to see Star Wars". Hopefully, you won't resist seeing

I'm an American, and completely agree that this represents an enormous failing on the part of our legal system. This case is nothing short of pathetic, and everyone involved should be ashamed.

Another great touch is how loud the engine is. Feels like the whole world is coming to an end :)

Was only a matter of time. I love how there is always, always people who come out to defend these creeps.

Even Alan Moore said his Watchmen screenplay was the best that anyone could hope to adapt Watchmen. That's a heavy freaking compliment for Moore. It still wasn't enough for him to watch the movie, though XD

I've read that Kojima likes to troll quite a bit... I was wondering, could someone give me an example or two of Kojima trolling? I'm a longtime Metal Gear fan, but I've never really followed the creator, so I'm curious about some of his wackier antics.

Personally, I've always taken the idea that Deathstroke can process information faster than Batman, and that he's faster and stronger, but in terms of skill and strategy, Batman has the edge. I love Deathstroke, but I've always envisioned Batman winning a direct confrontation.

I got yet another Solitaire related one.

Peter Molyneux is combining Solitaire with Call of Juarez. The twist? It's released as episodic adventures.