
Amen, back when I played every single Iron Banner the amount of hate I got for being female and able to actually hold my own just made me stronger. I fed on their hatred. ;)

Many times banned in my golden days. Still every once in a blue moon.

LOL Yeah I got the same treatment back in the StarSiege: Tribes days (Yes, the original. Yes, I’m old.)

My most proud trophy was from wrecking guys in a rumble match using a fusion rifle (this was early on when everyone’s load out was assault rifle/shotgun). Received hate mail from one of the guys running around with a shotgun calling me a noob for using a fusion rifle. The insult was so stupid I couldn’t respond.

My girlfriend gets accused of cheating in near every game she plays, although she really is just that good. Just proves that people get unreasonably upset when someone out there is better than them.

That good ol’ fan mail.

If they aren’t hating, you no good.

Only time I’ve gotten hate mail on a game was on Battlefield 4. I sneaked up to this tank that was basically killing everyone on our team. Planted C4's to it. Then blew it up.

I don’t get why the guy got so upset. He had tons of kills from the tank. But he sent me a hate message, calling me with names.

In world of tanks, someone called my only account as a re-roll. I took that as a compliment as well.

Unfortunately the poor girl is still only 17. She might still be new to such accusations and this will either shape or traumatize her life. It depends on the support she will get from the people around her and how strong her personal mental fortitude.

I would agree. But it’s quite hurtful when actual overwatch pros are the one calling her a cheater.

Agreed! Every time someone accuses me of hacking or cheating on CS:GO even I just smile and think to myself

ya... i’ve had this, i laugh and take it as a compliment... that and normally hunt the person saying it just to rub it in... was playing Hanzo and probably offed the one guy saying it in a round 10-15 times

so true:) favourite qoute from Ernest Cline’s Armada:

Ya unfortunately things don’t always turn out so peachy. I got accused of cheating once and got banned from about 45 servers. Didn’t matter that I had 2000 hours of experience in the game and not a single vac infraction over 7 years( TF2 )- the only thing they cared about was I embarrassed their top sniper on live

That is the way to look at it. Losers like those two that quit just can’t handle someone beating them. Especially a woman fucking sexist pieces of shit.

Pretty much this. Sort of.

True that!


Sooooo no more “rubbin’ is racin’”?