
Where as "Dude" and "Bro" are more commonly used as affectionate short hand among men in these area's, the use of "Pal" in NYC is prevalent due to phrases such as: "Hey, Pal! You think you can tell your brat to shut up. I'm trying to watch the damn movie." or "If you don't move that car right now, I'll move it for ya,

Not if but when. Only a matter of time.

"Trim Knob" LOL. I will now refer to all of these tologists as Trim Knobs.

I'm gonna go ahead a guess there will still be fights in the stands. Remember some people had to work during this. All the fans who were stomping potatoes with their feet to make vodka will still have steam to blow off.

I remember the Clips when I lived out west in the mid 90's. And I will go to my grave swearing "BO OUTLAW IS THE NBA'S 51ST GREATEST PLAYER*". Laugh if you must, but you try being a point forward for that team and not murdering dozens of hobos.

Are you trying to tell me "The Great Gatsby" was a book first? Not a biography about Leo? This article confuses the hell outta me.

The scene of him cluelessly eating a fortune cookie whole and reacting to the paper rolling around his tongue with: "Look! It's a secret message....from my mouth!" is one of the loudest laughs I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying.

This must be what the kids mean when they talk about haters. Vin is the man. I'm not even a Dodgers fan. One of the great hold overs to the pre homer announcer era. The first time I heard him it was the 6th inning before I realized he was working the booth alone and carrying the whole thing with ease. The man moon

Thank you for the pointless gif.

Yuengling is the only beer I've had (of oooh so many) that consistently goes in my mouth and out my anus. It does not pass go, it does not collect 200 dollars and may god have mercy on it's soul. I am running to the john within 5 minutes of finishing one. I must share an identical PH with it. Also: yuk.

yep. AMAZING apartment (with lousy security).

I seem to recall him visiting some banker through the bankers secretary and then showing up uninvited at the secretaries apartment later that night and her just pouring him a drink having sex with him like he's a cross between Brad Pitt and Mentok the Mind taker despite the fact he's built like a 50 year old Walter

I can summarize every single "unwritten" baseball rule into 1 sentence.

This is twice you have tried this. Go back to your first attempt and point out the plot holes, several people asked you to and you just came back down here and did more lazy troll shit.

Now if we can just do something about the 7 hours it takes to show all of the NCAA football games. The only people who care what the Liberty vs. SE Idaho St score is ARE AT THE GAME!

Bonus points for using the indicator properly before attempting vehicular homicide.

Trust me, you get mocked plenty in the real world, too.

I want to win. I don't care if I lose. It has no register on my own self worth. The most fun I have is identifying the weekend warrior who spends $400 on a softball bat but won't get his kid braces, and then beating him and pretending someone had explained the game to me that afternoon until his head explodes. What

Talent and Intelligence are capitalized to mark the comparison to Heart and Grit. Note also the quotation marks. Too bad I suck at spelling and grammar in a comments section. Perhaps I lack the "Grit" to do it well.

"Heart" and "Grit" are things morons invented to rub all over themselves when they realized they had no Talent or Intelligence.