
If it was diarrhea you’d think the anal massager would be easier to see.

I put my cat’s litterbox in the tub in the spare bathroom, much easier clean up.

We’re well past that point

That was my first and only thought on watching this. And they stood around like over dressed, over armed, impotent idiots when the cab was breached.

Well, we finally solved that pesky problem!

*taps sign*

*Involuntary reaction to force explicitly meant to cause pain

Suppliers in China were adding melamine to pet food and baby formula to artificially boost protein content a few years back.

Amen to every part of this.

It’s Thanh Long on Judah in the Sunset district. The garlic noodles are amazing too.

I found the street where it lives.

There’s a restaurant in SF that makes a tamarind Dungeness crab that is to die for.

The arbalest was a crossbow, an arquebus was a gun

He Magoo’d his way into it

I caught the Walken vibes too.

Thank god someone is here to look out for the insurance companies.

Cops are some of the worst drivers out there.

“Don’t let this one day define her”