
It’s fitting that her campaign office is across from the Roseville AutoMall

It’s pretty simple, mostly a Taco Bell sloppy joe. If you can find Taco Bell seasoning go with that, otherwise any taco seasoning works fine. Be sure to get a can of enchilada sauce for the bun.

The proverbial “tiger by the tail”

You’re not alone! I still make these as home.

That light menu from the 90s was fantastic.


I loved the bellbeefers as a kid, my mom worked at a Taco Bell in the late 70s and I ate a ton of them. I still make them at home today. 

Bring back the BellBeefer!

My cousin loves curry ketchup, he got a taste for it over in Germany. I’ve seen it at a few international markets lately.

Yeah, it’s pretty fucking disturbing.

You can’t make something foolproof, the fools are too inventive.

My dad told me he used to put peanuts in Squirt as a kid.

Construction site porta-potty

Man, I wish I had kept these comics.

Jerkin to merkins

Especially beat and patrol cops

Satire died a few years ago so it’s really hard to judge these things anymore.