This tryhard edgelord 420blazeityolo360noscope guy right here
This tryhard edgelord 420blazeityolo360noscope guy right here
Imagine having to suck Kevin's dick AND write this comment at the same time. Kudos to you, Just Some Guy.
“I don’t give a shit about the audience anymore"
NB: You would. You’ll love it, I promise. Do you like Whoopi Goldberg?
I've been her since the gates opened (under another name) and you would weep — WEEP — at the what this site used to be then.
Little Hugs … now I want one …
Certainly. Robert Loggia. R as in Robert Loggia. O as in "Oh my god, it's Robert Loggia." B as in "By God! It's Robert Loggia." E as in "Everybody loves Robert Loggia." R as in Robert Loggia. T as in "Tim, look over there! It's Robert Loggia." Space. L as in "Look! It's Robert Loggia."
Take me out to dinner first? :(
And icky. Don't forget icky.
low energy
But John … this is Sam … what else did you expect? Ha!
Just eat prunes. Dried ones are ok. Pointless otherwise.
But … it's Sam … I welcome our (not really from Gawker but may as well be Gawker) overlords!
"You have a right…"
The version I am thinking of was *just* guitar and voice. No other instruments.
I like Change better live than how it was recorded for the album. I wish I could find the source of what VH1 used for their Behind The Music thing … it was a great version.
And don't forget … dicks out for Trump, boys!
I was doxed under a different site by just my picture alone. It wasn't one of me, but it was able to be reversed imaged searched to an account on another site. And while I *did* change my contact info on that other site to be less personal, the actors were able to find a cached version of said site.