
Someone else rightly pointed out that the press love games that can be written from an "experience" standpoint. What was our, Mr And Mrs Gaming Press People's, experience as we played this? Did this make me rethink my life? Did I go into work and look at the janitor and not wrinkle my nose in disgust?

Knock it off with these cogent, well-thought out, insightful replies. I'm here for shitposted replies gawdawmnit

And yet did they put the brakes on it? Did they NOT FUCKING KNOW that when you sign up with Sony they are going to falsely present your game as a AAA title? Come on.


They didn't scam me out of a penny, I knew this was a pile of bullshit from the get-go.

Yes, mainstream made it much worse, no doubt about it. But I don't give the gaming press a pass. They seem to champion games that gamers themselves reject, ha.

I should clarify. They certainly will allow it, but it's not as profitable as you may think. This water issue that I quoted below is just ONE way in which they are holding back real development (or gentrification if you dig on that.)

On one hand, I don't want to release a game to only have it nit-picked to death or to have that very very very very minor (yet loud) audience that says "FUK U" at every turn … but …

And it was humorous to watch the gaming press push this as the next big oh my god thing when it was plainly obvious that a bazillion galaxy game might end up being a series of repetitive tasks and gee, quite shallow.

Deez nuts!

Who sold it that way, though? The developers bit off more than they could chew. It was *they* who tried to make a Huge Big Budget AAA Game with an absurdly small team.

Every single piece of praise for this is stated in the exact same way — "it is your fault for believing what the developers said or it is your fault because you have expectations that the developers never mentioned"

There are far better space sims than this game. Try SpaceEngine (free) or give the new Elite a go.

That Gene Shallit headline. 4 stars.

oh :o thank you

Baltimore won't allow it

Actually, no :(

Well, to be fair, in that interview I think it is really only Puffy (Mike Bordin) that comes off as being … confused … although he always seem to talk this way, ha.