
No, I’m not suggesting that. I’m suggesting that colleges create separate categories for such things so that alleged rape and flipping the bird don’t fall under the same category on campus. Does that make sense?

And your reading comprehension is lacking. Look! Now we’re both snarky!

Well, considering all of the people screaming about kicking the accused rapist out of Loyola because “hey, he violated the conduct code”-well, so did this one. Am I comparing rape to flipping the bird? Nope, so don’t be disingenous and say I am. I’m challenging the logic of people who defend this girl’s behaviour

Yeah, unless you think “dork” is a term of endearment. Do you have any self awareness or merely self righteousness? Because you’re pretty damned proud of telling this other guy “how things are”.

It’s got electrolytes!

So you don’t have any retort and go to insults. You know you’re only reinforcing his point, right?

And more often, your approach pushes people over the edge rather than pulls them back from it. Will you shut the fuck up now, you moron?

Way to totally not understand mental illness. Yeah, being a dick to depressed people ALWAYS works. Has so far, hasn’t it?

Turn it around-I’d say that forcing someone who wants to die to stick around in order to save the families feelings is equally as selfish. Not that suicidal people shouldn’t get help in order to try and stick around of course.

Here’s a question: If it MUST be an Asian person to play Swinton’s character because that’s how it was written-then why was it wrong for people to complain about a black Spiderman or a female Hulk since that’s not how they were written? It’s funny how people claim they want equal treatment but it tends to end up as

Oh, jesus christ. God forbid both happen. It’s not a zero sum game, you know