
Woah, woah, replacing Jeffrey Combs as West? Plummer is great and all but Combs IS that guy for me. Always.

I really enjoyed the book, but I haven't rushed to see this adaptation or the SyFy miniseries. Just seems like neither holds much beyond being a curious "what if?"

It's good to see that even with his new hard knock lifestyle, Bruce Wayne still has time to perfectly part his hair and keep it well styled.

I swear even a fast tracked murder trial ought to have taken long enough that…shit I can't even remember Inara's name on this show but yeah, shouldn't she have given birth in that time?

Thought is they missed the opportunity to cross-promote with the new Pee-Wee movie big time.

I swear someone comes and says this every week

Hey Tuesday's in about a minute, no rest for the wicked and such.

4 times in one week? Gotta get that up to an even 7, one per day looks much better statistically!

Honestly after all of this I really want a hot dog for myself. No Nathans near me though….

I only will show up if we actually are gonna get a stew on

Finally, been waiting to hear this news

You've just introduced a new nightmare to my mind

Sounds more like a lack of understanding about piracy. If you want to blame anyone blame the outdated/inefficient Nielsen system.

Does NBC even know how to handle a sitcom anymore? Let's ask Dan Harmon!

I mean, I could take a pencil and do it but they may not look like proper tits and therefore may not be sexy to gaze upon. Also someone else would need to draw the dragon first.

I've had enough bad experiences involving R rated film audiences with kids who were way too young to be there. Worst of which was Zombie's first Halloween film, 9 pm show on a weekend and there was a screaming baby right next to me. Ugh. Bring this on.

It's probably been at least ten years since I saw it, I've been on a little bit of a streak of revisiting films I haven't watched in a long while and Ian McKellen's work in that film has always stuck with me. Have you ever read the Stephen King story it was based on?

Would you recommend it? I've got it waitlisted at my local library

I'd forgotten about it til you mentioned it. I think I need to go back and watch Apt Pupil again.

Also I read that Captain America: Civil War isn't going to be acknowledging the upheaval within SHIELD at all, is that Marvel trying to further separate TV/film now to make it more plausible as to why none of the Avengers would've found out about Coulson's resurrection? Or something else? They already tied into Age