
I agree, Dylan is a dead man walking.

Honestly I might have liked these 2 episodes more than anything else from the previous seasons. Freddie Highmore is doing some top notch work, Famiga has always been fun and watching the madness suck them all in has made for great viewing.

I'm still bummed he won't be our Tick anymore


Yep, it hits all the points it should be in that regard.

Pretty good point there. Maybe I'm just thinking too optimistically about what people will watch and appreciate

That this show continues to not receive awards recognition astounds me. It comes and goes under the radar with each year and just keeps posting great seasons. Can't wait to watch this.

Forgot that Joe was ever a monster at any point. Guess they'll be upping his screen time now that Pandora knows about that.

The Shining (and a select couple others) are why I said almost.

This has been a very confusing day for news regarding this. Wake me when filming starts

In that case I sympathize….and I thank you for taking that bullet

How did this not occur to the people behind the film?!?!?

I had no idea this was a thing and I am……slightly horrified?

No Warburton makes me sad. I rewatched the live action series a few months ago and it is still so hilarious

For the most part the Potter adaptations made me appreciate the books more. Basically from Goblet of Fire onwards the films had become jump from big happening to big happening with no real scenes that allow the events to breathe and their impact to be felt.

I never saw it, did they ever take advantage of the fact they could have had Neeson growling out "YOU SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!"

Pitchforks and torches for all as we charge!

I'd definitely like to see a 3rd season of this, if there's one thing that will always be true it's that there's always room for more surrealism on TV!

It's all part of the plan right JJ?

In terms of this series I saw First Strike and then Police Story within a short time period. I can't remember if I ever watched the other 2. I remember I used to always be able to find both Project A and Rumble in the Bronx on TV late at night during the late 90s. Maybe I need a nice Jackie Chan marathon night…..