
Well that is…not surprising

Not to mention killing our enjoyment of the show.

A character death has never been a reason for me to walk away. Definitely some I've hated to see go but if the show is still good I keep going. Now if we were to talk about shows I've walked away from because they've turned to hot garbage..then I could name some.

Which time? Bryce died more than once lol

So you quit after the pilot?

I think it may more depend if ABC goes forward with the Most Wanted spinoff from SHIELD. Honestly I'd rather they continue Agent Carter though.

Didn't Manny initially have a thing for Haley in the earlier days of the show?

Ito pulling out the signed photo of Arsenio made me wince

Kind of an underwhelming end but still overall a strong season for AC. DON'T BE STUPID AND CANCEL THIS ABC!!

And not to mention the way he leaped out of the house when she agreed to let him drive

I'm hoping if there's a season 3 we get more Dottie.

Forget about out-crazying other series, can they outdo what's actually happening in the US?

Right now even watching the highlights online feels like….a waste.

To be fair though that's a better use of your time compared to a lot of the options on tv

Maybe they haven't realized it's not a hoax this time


Rick yelling at "what?" in a "come at me" sort of way was pretty fantastic. Also was it just me or was he doing a lot of licking that blood off his lips? Corn syrup must have been extra tasty tonight. Love me some Xander Berkeley, and I'm really glad they didn't just kill him after one episode. Bring on Negan!

Also he was the guy banging Al Pacino's ex in Heat.

No kidding right? Writing, directing, picture, and Jackson…c'mon Academy!

Hell the last couple HBO movies I've watched were pretty damn good and better than some of the crap I saw in theaters.