Candy Wife?
Candy Wife?
@Ceiling90: To be fair, methinks IBM had more to do with the development of a new processor than Sony.
I'm reminded of Ant Lions and the "thumpers" the Combine used to keep them at bay, except the device has the opposite effect here.
It's too bad the world reacted so to atomic technology. The future would have been so cool!
@d0minick: That's exactly right! If the government knows exactly what's going on and what you're doing they can't possibly make a mistake. Why don't people just trust the government? They know how to handle this stuff better than any of us do. Who takes pictures of planes anyway? They have to be doing something weird.
@Baboonski: Unfortunately that's a growing list.
If you had a rig like that why would you ever want to play a console?
Wear this with your factory stressed jeans and "vintage" t-shirt to complete the image of Total Fucking Hipster.
@mrjoeyyaya: The new one better have strippers too or I'll be severely disappointed.
@Helis: And yet the game fails to register a hit when I hit a guy right in front of me with a shotgun and his blood is spurting out. Twice.
@bakana: Everything. Unless its professional equipment.
@FriedPeeps: You should check out my original comment before I replied to yours.
@FriedPeeps: And oh how deliciously wrong you are.
The size of the device sort of implies people don't want to look at the device every time they want to interact with it. And yet... let's put a touch screen on it.... Mmmkay.
@OniCr0w: I've been getting the impression that it's not just about "bugs" i.e. game crashes, exploits, glitches etc. There seem to be lots of problems with the game mechanics, problems on which users haven't been getting very good or responsive feedback from the devs.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: This article made me facepalm so hard I think I made a mark.
@madisomi: man of ren: To see all the shapes and patterns formed in that particular dimensional cross-section, at that particular scale?
@LaurenIsSoMosh: The point being it wouldn't even be remotely recognizable and is just as good as saying "This game would be better if it were another game". Well... ok, cool. I know you probably mean a lot more than that but you're stopping too short of making a good point or an interesting idea.