
For some reason old people have gotten “some people are vocally upset on Twitter” confused with “people are preventing things from being made.”

Movie 43 is a movie that was genuinely made and released to the public in theaters. But Blazing Saddles somehow would never fly.

Yeah, just like Sausage Party. Or Tropic Thunder.

I don’t smoke weed*, and I’ve just started watching the first season, but the show has some depth and charm, which I understand only increases with time.

Back in my day, assistants were always holding an eight-ball exactly for circumstances like this. A couple of bumps, and one could get home safely.

Why the fuck is it impossible for these gutless fucks to let women do anything nerdy or nerd-adjacent without being harassed

This review sounds like my Grandmother talking about Rick and Morty.

Ignaty, I love your reviews but can you just stop with the right-wing stuff about the first one? It’s fucking nonsense. One of the big climaxes of the movie was Colin Firth beating the crap of some proto Trump voters, you don’t have to shriek BUT THEY KILLED OBAMA over and over. It was a dumb fun movie and an equal

You wrote “rationally” when you actually meant “like a sociopath.”

I would also like to add: Black Jack was called such to differentiate from Fat Jack, the original name/character of the shlubby, awful Assistant Manager who is given that name due to his calling Jackson (the African-American) “Blackk Jack” in response. Black Jack was the cool character and Fat Jack was the play on his

Wasn’t this established... years ago? Like, almost immediately after the story became a thing? To the point where every time it comes up here or Jezebel it seemed like the authors were purposely ignoring Kirkman’s clarification just to bait a reaction?

that was my first giveaway that something was wrong: It was supposed to be Massacre IN aisle 12 even though it was originally just AISLE 12. And trust me AJ VIA is not my real name- I used a psuedonym knowing this might be something to walk away from one day.

See, when I was in college it was rarely directed at athletic events. Pregaming was just getting moderately (by a college kid’s definition of moderately) drunk before walking to a party or a bar in the brisk Chicago cold.

The pregame makes no sense. I checked its definition page and its first known use is 1906.

“Pregame” seems like something people have been saying for at least as long as I’ve been alive, and “Troll”’s new definition should have been added fifteen years ago.

Just got done seeing it and I honest to god feel like Aranofsky was legit trying to alienate people with this. It’s like 90 minutes of an off-putting Brechtian chamber drama followed by some of the craziest shit you’ll see in a mainstream film. Who the hell was this weird ass movie for?


I give it 5 stars out of 5.

I dug the running joke about the guy who has a tiny orgasm every time he senses a shift in power. The setup’s a little clunky, but it just keeps paying off.

The final act was Randy literally telling the redneck to get his house in order, and that if he is willing to accept change, he can live in a much nicer place. He got there by tearing down a wall, not building one, and after his initial resistance was much happier for having done so. A little allegory.

Honestly, I don’t want them to “take on Trump”. Every single thing is about Trump these days, and it gets boring. I think this episode was smart because it punched some holes into ideas that the right wingers have accepted as truth, but without necessarily insulting their king. This way they may have to defend the

All the reviews for this premiere have been so negative! Although i thought it was the funniest episode in a long time. Personally it hit close to home as my parents have renovated both their past homes by bashing down a wall to make a room bigger, and i think the mma joke is just making fun of how everyone is an