
Yeah, Jeff Flake is like the rest of the establishment GOP. They basically support everything trump does, they just wish trump had just the tiniest bit of class.

It’s supposed to be nearly impossible to access and use, that’s the point. How else will you get the most people kicked out of the system?

The Alaska guy will move on to strangling women to death to eliminate a witness next time.

White person living in a predominately white neighborhood here. While racists need no extra reason to be racist, I can tell you that the local police are always big on, “If something seems suspicious, call us!” And, of course, the other side of that coin is, “If your gut tells you something’s wrong, something’s wrong.”

Central Floridian here and yes, Gillum was the only one I had even heard of when the governors race heated up. He’s been a great public servant in Tally.

I’ve already seen a person I know IRL (so, not a bot) agree with trump’s statement that she needs to show ID to buy groceries.

The real crime here is that hideous jacket she’s wearing.

Hey! Boobs are for getting filled with silicone and for winning the Electoral College.

So they will comply with the deadline while also doing “as much as possible” up until the deadline. Got it.

“Denver 7 reported that it was the building’s management, and not Buck’s office, that called the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department following the incident”

We have to define terms like “smart” and “stupid”

He got his own TV show, based upon zero evidence that he was a good businessman. He can read a crowd well. His Twitter feed isn’t a bunch of randomness, but is calculated to undermine investigations against him. He ran circles around the media in his presidential run, all while hurling invectives against them the

Shrewd was a poor choice of a word on my part. Cagey or cunning is probably a better descriptor. I still don’t think he’s stupid, though. He’s playing half of America like a fiddle after convincing fans on The Apprentice what a great businessman he is/was.

Yeah, shrewd may be the wrong word. Cunning. Cagey. But I still don’t believe he’s stupid. He’s lazy and intellectually incurious. Plus, he probably has narcissism as a personality disorder so he’s convinced he knows everything he needs to know. Like how Frederick Douglass is gonna do great things.

Yes, cunning. Cunning is a better descriptor for trump than shrewd.

What MerricatTheExiled said. He’s not a shrewd businessman, he’s a shrewd con artist. They are different skill sets.

Meanwhile the donor class, even the never trumpers from 2016, are lining up to give him money for his 2020 run.

I don’t think he’s stupid, though. Intentionally ignorant and incurious, yes, but not stupid. What he is, is a shrewd con artist. Which is far more dangerous than stupid. I think we underestimate trump at our peril when we dismiss him as stupid.

I assume that the golf club owners didn’t want black women even seen using the greens there. Absolutely nothing else explains it.

The only group behind them (all white men) later told the press that the women were not playing slowly, that the women were nothing but pleasant and professional, and the men never caught up with them so there was no need to play through.