There just has to be a "What The Fuck Is He Doing Here Award" to get Vince Young mentioned.
There just has to be a "What The Fuck Is He Doing Here Award" to get Vince Young mentioned.
The food is probably the biggest reason to avoid that place.
Unless you're a 10 year old boy in the throes of puberty there is no reason to desire anything about Hooters restaurants.
Was this even posted?
Was this kid sick prior to wanting to meet Chris Brown or is this divine intervention?
Yes, I've always wanted my kids seeking advice from the guy that made College Humor. $43,000 in this year's tuition well spent.
I give it maybe 8 months before Olbermann and ESPN's top brass start the in-fighting (or continue it) and Keith walks.
It's up to the individual owners like my hero Jeffrey Loria. He couldn't keep the junk food out of the parks so he one upped the league and kept us from wanting to see the team altogether.
"Dealcano." - Well, you were right.
Sorry to tell you but if DRM was the only issue people wouldn't have complained this much. The game is still pretty flawed and I still can't get over the fact the city building space is severely limited.
I don't believe he's an unstable person. He's just unjustifiably afraid of black people. Coming from a Hispanic family, I've seen my own extended family crack racist jokes and say some things that are completely abhorent. It's a cultural problem and a problem that doesn't belong in this century.
"Dealnami." - Steam sale is really stretching your daily limit on bad puns Shane.
Maybe they booed these losers talking on stage? "Yo yo, my brother filthy sanchez here is gonna lay down a deal wit MADCATZ!". These guys need to shut the hell up and walk around handing out flyers.
I'm voting for Incredipede strictly out of spite.
The moment Kevin James realized his career is a joke.
FYI if you vote for the community choice sales you have a chance to win more Steam cards.
It's nice to see what's for sale. Now if we can only buy these damn things before getting denied by an overloaded server.
Why remain defiant on Defiance? It's only $14 and a non subscription MMO that's been around 3 months that isn't terrible. I mean come on, you can drive a Dodge Charger!
Honestly I don't know who is crazier. Amanda or all the celebs she worked with in the past that vouch for her and say she's fine and this is her "normal".
This is up there with the time the Dolphins had Tim Tebow appreciation day.