
Which is funny because after seeing the Fells Point of "Multiple Maniacs," I looked it up online and it looks like a rather nice area now. I even asked around online and people say its unrecognizable from what it was like then so it must have been gentrified somewhat.

"Female Trouble," if done right would make for a great off-off Broadway musical. The characters are all there, you'd just need good songs and book.

To me, the most disturbing this is the forced impregnation of the women by syringe. You have to see it to see how horrible it is. The singing asshole is funny. The chicken is strange. The dog shit is one of a kind esp as you can see behind Divine's smile that he is REALLY not wanting to do this.

Sounds like a soap opera from the 50s. There was "The Edge of Night" but that was a crime and mystery soap that was ok for men to watch.

"Less Than Zero" is a horrible, homophobic adaptation of the book. McCarthy's character vomits when he sees that Downey is gay-for-pay and with a man whereas in the books, the main character is sleeping with as many men as he is girls. And so overdone. In then book, they go to parties. In the movie, they go to

I tend to agree. All his ad-libbing and asides came across like it was some joke only the two of them shared.

I read it in Tommy Wiseau's.

Oh for a cover of "The Murder of Maria Marten" or "Rambleaway." Damn. Damn!!!

I disagree. It has a map.

"I wasn't talking that loud!" "I wasn't on the phone that long!" The conductors don't play.

The book had more than enough problems of it its own. A major league politician, up for reelection, is discussing such a damning personal family matter that could destroy him … in the middle of a public restaurant. Wives run out in tears. Voices are raised. Angry accusations are made.

Hurley may not have been perfect but she was still better than Heather Graham who in no way seemed like she came from the 60s nor had an acting coach.

Those made me laugh.

Apparently last night in his monologue. There. Ya happy?

Hooo-eeey, that is a LOT of eye shadow.

Theory: Cronuts, Cronuts. Cronuts.

The DQ sandwich photographs well because I really want one. But WTF Arby's? No cheese?

Yay, Springfield! Oh shit. WMass, we never get NUTHIN'! Not even an ACCENT!

In other words, Will Sasso as Kenny Rogers.

Hannity should be happy. Suzanne Scott was Shine's right-hand person since 1996 and is named in lawsuits as part of the retaliatory army against anybody who dared mention harassment or discrimination. Having a woman at the top is just optics. Nothing will change.