
Bathe her and bring her to my chambers.

Left, Left, Left, Correct.

Snowden is hiding from justice. Manning faced it. I am not thrilled with what she did, but I don’t know everything about the situation.

Just imagine how bad Earl Scheib would have screwed this up.

As a former neighbor (I lived across a lake from his first house) he was a very nice man. His staff was very professional, and it really was fun living near him. If you know the area, it’s pretty quiet (other than maybe air traffic out of Eden Prairie), and it stayed that way - even with his parties.

Thank you. I wouldn’t have been as nice.

I am sure this will outrage someone, somewhere, somehow.

It’s funny.

Too Soon.

Is everything just a giant pander to Millennials? JFC, what snowflakes.

P1: How did your Daddy die?
Kid: Barbie Jeep Racin’

I did nyet see that coming

Stop the manshaming!

If they focused more time on the hunt, then it would be an issue. That’s a small part of *this* show. Again, though, no real surprise.

She is from Texas A&M.

Dear Haters:

Sorry, but they have to pay the bills somehow. Just don’t watch. He’ll survive your disappointment.

That’s not football...

I have traveled well on Southwest (boarding procedure aside), Virgin America (snotty FAs aside) and JetBlue (JFK aside).

I don’t normally get into celebrity relationship feelz, but I do agree.