
Spidey senses tingling.

Making an appearance on NBCSN!

I saw this old guy laboring through a run on a country road just north of Lawrence, KS when I was in college, on a run with a buddy.

Schiano Men wear black socks on team flights. Because in the itinerary he hands out before team travel, it specifically states that everyone on the team (Trainers, Equipment Managers and even the guys in the Radio Booth included) must wear BLACK socks.

My work computer crapped the bed a few months ago and I got some hand me down from the VP's favorite because she got brand new shiny laptop. There's like 4 internet browsers preloaded on this thing and on Firefox, she never logged out of Gchat. I discovered this a few weeks ago and read through some of the

With regards to Sarah Jessica Parker, there was another horse faced human in NY during Hurricane Sandy.

I saw him out here in Colorado taking advantage of new Amendment 64. He doesn't care what Gov. Hickenlooper has to say...

I think the community colleges of Rhode Island and Massachusetts are home to the only varsity candlepin bowling teams in the country.

JaVale works a day shift at Shotgun Willie's during the offseason. His stage name is Cinnamon.

And though you fight to stay alive

Rise of B. Lloyd. Stan Lee's cameo in this one is epic.

At 20 I went out drinking the night before my marathon and ran 3:02:17. I was a former (albeit subpar) D-I runner 8 months removed from my last race, so being in excellent shape and running 4 hours is easy, I don't doubt that at all.

You went USF, why move across the country when there are plenty of equally crappy pro sports teams (and minor leagues) in the Strip Club Capital of the US?