
Back when a size 12 was fat.

They are wide though. Out west that matters.

That is only because people are idiots. 4wd should be engaged only after you’ve gotten stuck in 2wd and need to turn around and GTFO.

You can get one with a Chevy Vortech V8

No, capitalist pig LS swap.


Meanwhile in China....

As Laozi would say:

Shiny chrome magnolia flower wheels.

From the paper itself (which is an exercise in handwaving with no novel research):

Miata Is Always The Answer.

The last picture seems to show a front diff pumpkin is a solid front axle.

Pedestrian safety regulations dictate the height of the hood. Aerodynamics dictates the need for a crease to split the airflow. What do you expect them to do with the space left over?

Norway is #15 in oil production, pumping out around two million barrels a day.

Rumor has it that the 2018 (maybe 2017) Raptor will have an ecoboost 5.0L V8 option.

The BBC covering for a serial sex offender, **shocked face** that never happens!

Four doors.

Now playing

“If we can’t do it, with our hundreds of thousands of employees and unfathomably complicated bureaucracy, neither can they,” is the mentality of these well-established automotive giants.