
Just a reminder, only Bernie wants to strengthen Social Security. All the republicans want to privatize it and Hillary thinks that removing the salary cap is another “no we can’t” moment.

The NYT always supports Clinton. They know she’ll carry Wall Street’s water. Even if it means flip-flopping on what are ‘good reasons’ to support her. I guess they like a candidate that reflects their flexibility in opinions: say anything to further the status quo.

Just more evidence that Bernie is quite unique in the history of slime pit known as American politics.

And it is not even his first name, which is Bernard.

Not to mention a history of blood clots that act like money in the bloodstream of politics.

Anything more than a backpack is weak sauce camping. If you are going to wuss out and use a motor to haul you ass and shit around you might as well eat good and sleep comfy.

Yep, title should have been:

An inverter running off the standard 12V battery is pretty useless, especially if the car isn’t running.

The hybrid jeep better have 110V sockets built in.

“I could bomb Fox News with a surplus Russian jet and my poll numbers would only go up! I have the best, most loyal supporters.”

When talking about Trump supporters, it is safe to assume both.

An LS V8 can be made to fit:

Still the sexiest airplane ever flown.

Well it is a different platform after all.

Not super duper more effective than US systems, but super duper more effective than WWII (or even Vietnam) targeting systems that required carpet bombing strategies for dumb bombs.

They don’t have to be ‘as accurate’ as JDAMs, but 95% as accurate is probably more than good enough for the Russians.

I wouldn’t totally knock Russia’s ‘dumb bombs’.

That's why you buy the whole wrecked car and swap everything you can over.