
Needs to come with a Canadian flag and a mustache.

And now I want to play Kerbal Space Program when I get home...

Game: Fallout 3

Important dialog and conversations actually need to be properly framed and shot. Nothing is more boring than just standing there or following a character down a hallway while listening to a conversation.

Seal Teams 6,7,8,9 & 10 mass suicide. We'll have the story at 11.

the assault human centipede in theater oct 31 20xx


WarThunder is TON times better than this.

video really needs this warning!

No, wasteful was all of the time, effort and resources in building them in the first place. All of which could have been spent on making the world a better place.



So paint it white and triple the price ay.

They love them too. They use them to create IEB's (Improvised Explosive Bunnies).

yes but unlike the Detroit cops or crop of college kids, these will actually accomplish something

I actually would have liked that Washington Monument on the right.