
Please, people, don't listen to him. For the internet is dark, and full of shitty slash fiction.

I have a ton of problems with this episode, but I also understand the importance of a reasonable suspension of disbelief for a dramatic effect. But just because one nerd nitpicks the dogs and their cages doesn't mean that this episode was the best. thing. evar.

Last week's episode was the worst I saw, and the only thing that was good about this was the intense battle (But even parts of that were weird and lame). I'm not one to just say "it sucks" without giving reasons, but I'll be as brief as possible:

I have so much to say, but brevity is the soul of wit: They should give the fight co-coordinator a raise, and they should fire the writers. I'm more then fine having a dialogue be the meat of any episode, but it has to be good. Not this redundant, predictable and cliche'd garbage. I never thought I'd start to

The only things that bugs me is that Sansa sends a raven for Littlefinger, which she keep secret. The consequences of this have to be important to the story, right? Like, Littlefinger can't just save the day and everything is perfect. Littlefinger is going to do something to make Sansa regret her desperate plea for

Knowing this show, he'll probably just get stabbed, close range, with some really stupid remark and smirk on the murderer's face. That's like, how 70% of the people have died this season.

Well, if I were to make an educated guess, I'd imagine giants, although freaking MAKE BELIEVE, are at least SOME sort of mammal (rather then, say, reptile or avian) which means if Wun wun is a lady, she'd be sporting some giant-like breasticles. As Wun wun does not, we can safely assume that he is a he.

And peace and prosperity will thrive in the land! All hail the mighty magic vagina! /sarcasm

Maybe in your fanfiction, homie.

I'm thinking the rag tag group of a few northern houses and the wildlings will launch their daring attack on Boltons & Co. The Umbers will betray Ramsay, making the fight even, but bloody. Littlefinger and the Veil will join in on team Sansa in "the hour of need" becoming the grateful saviors of the Starks and earn

Ah, the joys of time, that turns children into barely legal teens for you to fantasize about. Stay classy.

The just taped a bunch of cats together

For the thinkpieces are dark, and full of terrors. I feel ya.

I keep repeating the work hyperbole because it's accurate. Look of the basic definition of words before you start to sling that trash at me.

That's her name in the books and it's a lot more succinct then "The blonde faceless assassin girl"

But she still had a face, right?

No, it's an insult on the internet, implying that you are overly sensitive. It doesn't have any relevance to your hyperbolic post, though.

Even in Westeros, there is no cure for having your freaking FACE SLICED OFF.

Fan theories are like, the worst part of ASOIAF nowadays. It's like it's a competition to one up each other on outlandish crap.

Wow. Now that's a stretch. Mind explaining how the Waif's bloody face ended up on that wall then, hotshot?